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group chat: Fucked Up
{matt, dom, nora, annabelle}

Matt Dadd:
I'm offended by the chat name.

deal with it.

Dominic 💜:
It's true, Matthew. We are all fucked up.

Nora Bean:
Any particular reason you've gathered all of us here today?


Matt Dadd:

i have a therapy session today and my therapist suggested that you three come with me to discuss anything we're not talking about on our own.

Matt Dadd:
Me too?

yeah, you too. you're a part of everything that set me off, even if you weren't one of the triggers.

Matt Dadd:
Makes sense I guess.

Dominic 💜:
I'll be there.

Nora Bean:
Me too, for sure.

Matt Dadd:

thank you all. i really appreciate it.

Nora Bean:
Of course. Even when we do a shitty job at showing it, we're all here for you.

Dominic 💜:

Matt Dadd:
I don't ever really do a shitty job at showing it but yeah.


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