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2 weeks later, Aaliana's POV

Were on the tour bus heading back to Atlanta. Last nights show was amazing!! At the end of the show, everybody came on stage, including MB, and introduced me to the fans. Daddy told everyone he was my daddy, and the rest claimed me as there best friend, or lil sis. Jacob and I agreed not to go public with our relationship yet. After, at the meet and greet, Sone of the fans asked for my autograph an a picture of me! I felt so loved!!

Last nights show was in Miami Florida, and we're in Macon now. I'm so excited to get back home to see my friends!

Angel and Issa , Raya and Jawan, and Diggy and Kianie have been talking a lot lately, even though Diggy has a girlfriend. Kianie knows this, so she keeps her distance.

It was pretty early in the morning when we left, so it's about noon now. OMG has a radio interview today at 3, and that's when we do the sweet 16 giveaway. The radio guy knows about it already, and knows the questions to ask.

Did I mention I'm excited?

We all just got finished getting ready, and we ate breakfast at Denny's. Talking bout some good food!! I ate till I couldn't eat anymore!

I was laying down in Jacobs room while we were watching TV together. I was really starting to enjoy being around him. I mean he's sweet, funny, and always sings to me.

Jacob: "what you thinking about?"

Me: "all my friends back home, radio interview, birthday party.."

Jacob: "you got Alot on your mind there"

Me: "I'm just so excited, y'know. I haven't seen my bestest friends in what? 3 weeks?"

Jacob: "it's only been 2, you miss them that much?"

Me: "of course! They've been there with me through everything"

Jacob: "that's true friendship right there"

My phone rings and it's Raya.

Me; "speaking of them" answers phone "Hey Raya"

Rayanna: "where are you at?!"

Me: "well hello to you too!"

Jacob: says loud enough for Raya to hear "Hey Rayaaaa!!"

I put her on speaker so he can hear.

Rayanna: "hey Ali, wassup Jake!"

Me: "we just passed Macon about 30 minutes ago"

Rayanna: you're almost here!!!" and your crazy ahh mom left the state today. All your stuff is at my house. I borrowed that black half shirt with the gold letters, your gold sandals, jean jacket, that orange and yellow faded shirt, that -"

Me: "dang Raya, did you borrow my whole closet?"

Rayanna: "be happy I'm giving yo shidd back!"

Me: laughs "ok Raya, thanks love."

Rayanna: "yea yea, where are y'all going when you get here?"

Me: "Hilton Hotel. You member the one me you angel and Kianie stayed at for my birthday last year?"

Rayanna: "yea I know which one, I'll be there"

Me: "can't wait!"

Rayanna: "ok so you know how your birthday is two weeks from now, well how is the whole birthday party gonna happen if yall aren't even in Atlanta?"

Me: looks at Jacob

Jacob: "were in Augusta Friday night, and then we have 5 days off until the next concert in Greensboro, SC. So the party is scheduled for that Saturday"

Me: "thanks" kisses him

Rayanna: "eww, y'all are kissing with me on the phone! No kind of self respect!"

Me&Jacob: laugh and kiss again

Rayanna: "Aaliana I'm telling Angel on you!"

Me: "tel her! I don't care!"

Angel: "what was that miss Perez? You no longer care if I beat that ahh?"

Me: "Angel!! You were on the phone this while time and didn't say hey or anything?!"

Angel: "i , um,"

Me; "Kianie better not be there too!"

Kianie: "nope, she's not here"

Me: "Kianie! How you not gone say hey? I feel do unloved right now!"

Jacob: "aw it's ok, you got me! " kisses again

Kianie: whispers "did they just kiss again?"

Angel; whispers "I think so"

Rayanna: whispers "and I think they still are"

Me: whispers "we certainly were,"

Angel: "y'all are just nasty"

Jacob: "angel can't be talking about somebody being nasty. Issa showed me y'all messages. You're a freak girl!"

I looked at Jacob with my mouth open and ran to Issa

Me: "ISSA!!"

Issa: "yes?"

Me: "give me your phone?"

Issa: "why?".

Me: "Give. Me. The. Phone"

Issa: "dang attitude!" gives her the phone then walks away fast

Me: takes phone "ISSA!!" goes after him "what's the password?!"

Issa: "3419"

Me: puts it in, but it's wrong "that ain't it boy!!"

Issa: "did you put it in right?"

Me: I tried it again, but still wrong. I typed it in again, very slowly "yes u put the damn password in right!!

Issa: walks in and puts the password in, but different than what he told her "there"

Me: hits him in the back of the head "you didn't even touch the numbers 3,4,1 or 9!" walks back into the room with Jacob.

Jacob: "she's back, and shes got Issa's phone"

Angel: "Ali do not read those messages. They are for older people. Like 17 older! Not for you !"

I sat on the end of the bed and went to his messages from Angel. My mouth opened wider after each message. I couldn't believe her. Nasty Freak!!

Me: "Angel you are gonna e pregnant, with every STD known to man. You are a dirty little freak!"

Angel: "I told you not to read them"

Me: "this is why I don't read now. Thanks a lot"

Bahja: knocks on the door "are y'all decent?"

Jacob: "yea, come in"

Bahja: comes in "Family meeting, in 2 minutes"

Jacob: ok

Bahja: leaves

Me: "I'll see y'all Ina little while. Gotta meeting about something"

Angel: "bye baby!"

Kianie; "bye liana"

Rayanna: "I'll see you soon!"

Jacob: "what about me?"

AKR: "byee Jacob!"

Me and Jacob got off the bed and went to the living room where every one else was.

It was silent for a moment. Then Bre talked.

Breaunna: "we called this meeting for you Ali?"

Me: "why am I always what the meetings are about?"

Everybody: shrugs

Zonnique: "anyways, it's about keeping you protected from your crazy ahh mom. We don't need her coming around trying to take you back or anything."

Me: "well I was just on the phone with my girls back home, and they said she left town"

Alix: "but what if she comes back?"

Diggy: "then we'll handle her"

Bahja: "we have security, let them do they job"

Zonnique: "meeting adjourned"

Me: "that's it?"

Issa: "do the Mexican race not know the meaning of adjourned? It means over, closed, done with"

Me: "Yo sé qué coño significa aplazada, gilipollas"

Jawan: "I think you just got cussed out in a different language."

Me: "whoops, does the Issa not know what that means?" smirks

Bahja: "I don't think he does"

Zonnique: "Not a clue"

Issa: "so! At least I knew my daddy my whole life!"

Everything got quiet. Did he just say that too me? Really?

Jawan: whispers to Diggy "it's about to go down"

Diggy: nods and whispers back "uhn huh"

Me: "no sé cuál es mi maldita vida. Les agradecería mucho si usted se queda la cogida del outta también! por lo menos no es un rapero no es bueno que nadie sabe acerca! la única razón por gente como tú porque eres tan linda llamada! que no vale una mierda! Así que tome su temor apestaba a tener culo en alguna parte!" storms off to Jacobs room and slams the door shut.

(In the living room, No ones POV)

Breaunna: "really Issa?! That's real low!"

Jacob: "that wasn't even called for man!" goes into the room with Ali.

Issa: "she started with me first! Cussing me out in Spanish!

Alix: "no you started with her first. I'm surprised she didn't get mad when you made that comment about Mexicans."

Bahja: "your head is too big right now Issa. Don't let the fame get to you."

Jawan: "c'mon man you should know she is sensitive about her dad."

Diggy: "ima go check on her and Jacob"

Issa: shrugs and sits on the couch "her mamma shouldn't have been a hoe"

Bahja: "I cant believe you right now Issa!"

Everybody goes to a different room leaving Issa there by himself.

(In the room with Jacob Ali and Diggy)

Ali has tears in her eyes.

Jacob; holding her in his chest "Ali it's ok. He's just being a perra today"

Diggy: "what does perra mean?"

Jacob: "tell you later"

Aaliana: "he has no reason to get offended by anything I said, one because he didn't even know what I said! And two, he offended me twice! The Mexican joke and about my dad!" tears fall

Diggy: rubs her back "I know what will make you feel better"

Aaliana: "what?"

Diggy: sings 4 letter word.

Aaliana: smiles "thanks Dig, I will always love that song" hugs him

Diggy: "your welcome. I'm gonna leave y'all two now, see you in a few" leaves

Jacob: "call Angel"

Aaliana: "why?"

Jacob: "Issa is crazy over Angel, and If she finds out what he said to you she's gonna stop talking to him"

Aaliana: calls Angel, on speakerphone.

Angel: "Angel here."

Aaliana: "hey love"

Angel: "Wassup boo? Are you here?"

Aaliana: "no, but I have a story to tell you"

Angel: "you're gonna have to tell me when you get here, I gotta to do something real fast"

Aaliana: "oh ok, bye" hangs up "well that's over"

Jacob; "just tell her when you see her"

Aaliana: "but I wanted to tell her before Issa saw her"

Jacob: "just get to her fast, I'll try to stall everyone"

Aaliana: "ok" sees Issa's phone and opens the door and throws it at him "perra sucia!" slams the door shut.

Jacob: "come lay down and relax until we get there"

Aaliana: lays down and closes her eyes, and falls asleep.

30 Minutes later

Jacob; shaking Ali "Ali were here. Get up"

Aaliana: "5 more minutes"

Jacob: "in 5 minutes, Issa's gonna get to Angel"

Aaliana: hops up and heads out the door and into the hotel where Angel, Kianie, and Raya are sitting in the lobby "Babieeees!!"

AKR: "Aliiiiiii!!!" group hugs her

Kianie: "why do you look like you've been crying?"

Aaliana: "I'm about to tell you, but we've gotta go somewhere else right now." leads them outside to the pool.

Kianie: "was it Jacob? I swear I'll beat him"

Aaliana: "No it's Issa!"

Angel; "Issa? What about Issa?"

Aaliana: tells them what happened.

Rayanna: "ok, where is the nappy headed bitch? Let me have a word with him."

Angel: "I'm done with him until he can prove himself"

Prince: "there you are A. We've been looking for you. Why didn't you answer your phone?"

Aaliana; "I left it on the bus"

Prince: "oh , hey girls" hugs them

AKR: "hey Prince"

Prince: "Li have you been crying?"

Rayanna: "yes because (tells the story)"

Prince: hugs Ali "It's ok sweetheart, él es sólo enojado porque él no es mexicano como nosotros" smiles and kisses her forehead. "Alright, up to our room, we got sound check in a hour"

AKRA: "ok" follows him up to the room.

Prince: "everybody is in our room, since MB is only staying at the hotel." Knocks on the door

Bahja: "heeeeeey !"

AKRAP: "heeeeeeey!"

Bahja: "boys are still downstairs, so it's just us girls for now." let's them in.

Prince: "I'll see y'all in 45 minutes" goes into one of the rooms

Them: "ok"

Bahja: "Angel, Kia, Raya, how y'all been?"

Angel: "good"

Kianie: "great"

Rayanna: "I been strait"

Zonnique: "hey y'all !"

AKR: "hey"

Bahja; "Jacob brought your change or clothes bag up, Ali. It's in Princes room."

Aaliana; "alright" Goes into the room to get her phone then comes back and the boys are at the door. "everyone may enter except Issa"

Jawan: "Raya!" hugs her

Rayanna; "hey Jawan" hugs him back

Issa: walks to Angel but Angel walks away

Angel; "We need to go see Ray and Roc ASAP!"

Issa: "uhm, hey Angel"

Angel; "where are they at?"

Breaunna: "downstairs"

Angel; "thank you!" leaves.

Kianie: "Daniel!"

Diggy: "Ki'Aniala!"

Kianie: "whoa, who told you my real name?"

Diggy: "A"

Kianie: "thanks a lot Aaliana!"

Diggy; "Hugs?"

Kianie; "of course!" hugs him

Jacob: "love fest!" kisses Ali.

(A/N: all of these separate couple type things happened at the same time. It's not like they waited til each other got done)

Everybody turns to see Jacob and Ali kissing.

Rayanna: "you better be glad Angel ain't here to see that!"

Aaliana; "where is she anyways?"

Alix: "she's downstairs with The guys"

Kianie: "I wanna go see them!"

Rayanna: "me too!"

Bahja: "let's go!"

They all go downstairs

Ray: sees them coming "Kia! Me plus an A!" hugs them

Roc: "is that my best little friends?" goes and hugs them.

Bahja: "hello to y'all too"

We all walk up

Prod: "pinky!"

Bahja: "Blondie!"

OAN: pretend he still has the blonde Mohawk"

Prod: whispers "you know you're my favorite"

Bahja: smiles "I won't ever forget it!"

Everyone is just talking and everything, except Issa, nobody is too fond of him right now.

Prince: "we for sound check in 20, we might wanna head out now"

Everybody gets on the bus, Angel Raya and Kianie drive behind the bus.

At the Concert- sound check

Everyone is done with sound check, and the teens mammas and family come.

Jacob: "Ali come here" waves her over

Aaliana: walks over to him

Jacob: "mom this is my girlfriend Aaliana, A this is my mon"

Tish: hugs her "nice to meet you. You are very pretty"

Aaliana: "nice to meet you too. And thank you. You can call me Ali by the way"

Jawan: walks by "Or A"

Diggy: walks by "or Liana"

Alix: walks by "or Li"

Bahja; walks by "or Mini Perez"

Bre: walks by, pinches Ali's cheeks "or Dimples!"

Aaliana: smiles "or any of them. I answer to them all"

Tish: "I'll stick with Ali. So you are Princeton's daughter?"

Aaliana: "yes ma'am"

Jacob: "don't they look just alike?"

Tish: "they sure do! The eyes, smile, hair"

Aaliana: smiles

Bahja: walks over "Ali time for you to meet the OMG families"

Aaliana: "ok. Nice meeting you miss Tish"

Tish: "you too honey"

Aaliana: Walks over with Bahja

Bahja: "my family first. Ok this is My mom Shamra and my little red riding hood Lourdes or LoLo. Mother and Sister this is Ali"

Zonnique: "my HUGE family. This is my mom Tiny, my stepdad, of course TI, my brothers and sisters, king Major, Domani, messiah and Deyjah. Oh and my boo thang Reginae"

Breaunna: "we'll this is mi Madre Regin"

Aaliana: "hey everybody!"

Everybody: "hey"

King: "NiqueNique she's pretty"

Bre: "uhh ohh, Jacob got some competition"

Bahja: yells to Jacob "Jacob! King stealing your girl!"

Lolo: "Aaliana you date Jacob?"

Aaliana: "yes, but we're not going all public with it right now"

Zonnique: "y'all just call her Ali"

Prince: comes over "I see y'all met my mini me"

Domani: "is that your sister or something?"

Prince: "nope, this is my baby girl"

Bahja: "uhh, not to rain on the parade or anything, but we gotta be at the radio station in 15 minutes"

The OMG Girlz and Ali all hop into a car and hurry to the radio station.

At the radio station..

DJ: "well I'm here with the hottest girl group in the A, the OMG Girlz!

Bre: "wassup y'all I'm Babydoll

Zonnique: "I'm Star"

Bahja: "I'm beauty and were the OMG Girlz!"

DJ: "alright. You heard them. So ladies tell me a little about yourselves"

Breaunna: "Well I'm 17, my favorite color is purple. My real name is Breaunna Womack , and I'm the rapper of the group."

Zonnique: "I'm Zonnique Pullins, I'm 16, my favorite color is blue, and I sing along with Bahja"

Bahja: "well I'm THE Bahja Rodrigues. Also known as pinky! My favorite color is pink, im 15.yes I'm the baby and I LOVE it. And I sing with Nique"

Dj: "that's hot. So you girls are performing tonight right?"

Zonnique: "yea we are performing with Diggy, Jawan Harris, Issa, Jacob Latimore, and Alix Lapri"

Bahja: "yupp. At the fox theatre. 7 pm sharp! Make sure you're there, or you'll be square!"

DJ: "how's touring with a bunch of boys? Do they play a lot of pranks on y'all?"

Breaunna: "yes! We also tour with Mindless Behavior, but they perform separately. But Ray Ray, he loves playing pranks on us"

Bahja: "we get them back tho. I remember that one time he put a fake spider in Bre's food, and all three of us was screaming in the restaurant."

Breaunna: "it looked so real! And it was one of those moving kinds. So it started moving and I freaked out!"

DJ: laughs "what about the boys. Do they prank y'all?"

Zonnique: "sometimes. But we really just like to have fun with each other. Like the other day Bahja put makeup on Issa"

DJ: "he willingly let you do that?"

Bahja: "not at first but I convinced him"

DJ: "wow. Now I understand that you all have picked up a new tour member. And she's here with us"

Breaunna: "yepp!" looks at Aaliana "This is Aaliana Perez, or Ali"

Bahja: "she got a million nicknames but we not gone tell y'all all of them"

DJ: "Perez? Are you related to Princeton from Mindless Behavior?"

Aaliana: "Yes. That's actually my dad"

DJ; "you two look just alike. I wish my listeners could see you. She's real cute guys!"

Aaliana: "thank you thank you"

DJ: "How about we let the listeners learn a few things about you? so how old are you?"

Aaliana: "I'm 15, but my birthday is July 6th"

DJ: "favorite color?"

Bahja: fake coughs "pink"

Everybody laughs.

Aaliana: "my favorite color is actually Yellow"

DJ: "so I see you like the bright colors"

Aaliana: "gotta love them"

DJ: "are you from Atlanta?"

Aaliana: "well, basically!"

DJ: "Nice. I hear an accent."

Aaliana: "well I'm Mexican, Puerto Rican and Black so yeaa"

DJ: "girl if you were my age I'd be all over you!"

Aaliana: "I'll take that as a compliment"

Breaunna: "if I was gay id make her my girlfriend!"

Everyone laughs

DJ: "what grade are you in?"

Aaliana: "10th. Well, I'll be a junior in the upcoming school year"

DJ: "you want to be in the music industry?"

Zonnique: "she should! She has a really good voice"

DJ: "how about a sneak peek?"

Aaliana: "I don't know"

Bahja: "she's gonna do it. Me and her sing So official when we're in the room together all the time"

Breaunna: "do it A"

DJ: "c'mon Ali, please?"

Bahja: "just pretend it's me and you, we're doing so official"

Aaliana: "ok. "

They sung it AMAZINGLY.

DJ: "wow, that was really good!"

Bahja: "I know!"

DJ: "well thank you Ali for that. Now I'm gonna let you all go get ready for the show tonight."

Zonnique: "thank you for having us."

DJ: "before y'all go. I just wanted to tell you listeners that Aaliana is having a sweet 16 on her birthday, and she is having a contest for 16 lucky people to be invited! So if you were paying attention. This should be easy for you to win. Over the next few days, I'm gonna ask a question about Ali, and the first caller gets an invite. Cool?"

Bahja: "it was all my idea"

Zonnique: "it was definitely mine"

Aaliana: "it's my birthday!"

Breaunna: "the things I deal with on a regular basis."

DJ: "thank you again ladies for being here."

Bahja: "thank you for having us. OMG out!"

Back at the fox theatre.

Shekinah: (y'all know shekinah right? The hair stylist? Tiny best friend?): "Miss Perez I was told to get you cute tonight too. Hair and Make Up. Then you get dressed. "

Aaliana: "well thank you. I've always wanted to look cute as OMG. "

Bahja: getting her make up done "oh your too kind"

Shekinah: waits til her makeup is done and then pushes her out the chair "Girl hush! C'mon Ali. Ima have fun with your type of hair"

An hour later...

Breaunna; "dimples!! Youu look so pretty!"

Bahja: "too cute! Jacob gone be all over you when he sees you"

Zonnique: "really tho!"

Tiny; "C'mon girls time for y'all to get dressed"

They all went to the dressing room ,

Zonnique: light blue short poof out dress (I hope y'all know what I'm talking bout) with tights that were pink and purple, with white and blue high top adidas

Bahja: light pink short poof out dress with tights that were blue and purple, with white and pink high top adidas

Breaunna: light purple short poof out dress with tights that were pink and blue, with white and purple high top adidas

Aaliana: pink blue and purple tutu skirt with a sparkly purple corset, with pink tights and all blue high top Adidas, one with pink shoestrings and one with purple shoes strings.

Zonnique: "awwwuhh!!!"

Bahja: "she's looks so OMG!!"

Breaunna: "you so cute barbie doll!"

Aaliana: "it's really cute, if I was going to perform on stage"

It got super quiet.

Breaunna: "let's go see the boys"

Performers Lounge..

(OAN: whenever Ali us with OMG, ima just say OMGA. And when Alix, AOMG, and with Ali and Alix, AOMGA)

OMGA: comes in the room

Jawan: "someone got OMG-ified"

Rayanna: "y'all look super cute. Ali I've never seen you so dressed up. You're hair all super curly, makeup, outfit"

Angel: "shawty say she Swagging with the OMG Girlz"

Aaliana: "thanks y'all" goes and sits on Jacobs lap

Jacob: "you look amazing" kisses her

Aaliana; "you look pretty nice yourself"

Jacob: smiles "thank you love"

Kianie: "I think y'all should tell her now."

Everyone looked at Ali.

Bahja: talks fast, REALLY fast "ThereIsAMusicProducerInTheAudienceTonightAndHe'sGonnaBeWatchingYouWhichMeansYouArePerformingTonight"

Aaliana: "YOU SAY WHAT?!"

Breaunna: "you and Be are performing So Official" smile innocently

Aaliana: gets up and walks out the room while saying "no, no, no, no, no...."

Walks to where MB is, still saying no.

Aaliana: "Daddy they-"

Prince: "you're doing it. No way outta this one kid. You look very pretty and performance ready"

Aaliana: walks back to the room and plops down on the couch with her arms folded "I hate y'all"

AOMG: group hugs her "we love you too"

Aaliana: "consigue la cogida lejos de mí"

Alix: "pretty sure she cussed at us in Spanish"

Jacob: "pretty sure she did too"

Jawan: "we need a translator for her"

Kianie: "we've known her forever and still don't know what she's saying"

Bahja: "Ali you know the steps to the dance"

Aaliana; sits up "you taught me the steps and how to do the song perfectly because you knew this was happening!"

Bahja; "well.."

Tiny: comes in "Bahja, Ali. Y'all need to do a practice run before the doors open"

Bahja gets up and heads for the door, Ali stays sitting with her arms crossed.

Tiny; "Come on now Ali. Doors open in 20minutes"

Aaliana: "Yes ma'am" gets up and follows Bahja

Bahja & Aaliana ..

Bahja: "5,6,7,8."

Aaliana: "I'm feeling you, in the worse way" does dance moves sloppily

Bahja: "A stop. What was that?"

Aaliana: "what was what?"

Bahja: "That lazy sloppy movement you call dancing"

Aaliana: "I really don't want to do this"

Bahja: "ALI! You're doing it and there is no way outta it so put your lil attitude on hold and just do it"

Aaliana: looks at her like she's crazy

Bahja: looks at her then goes to her opening spot "5..6..7..8"

Aaliana: does it 10x better "I'm feeling you, in the worse way. You seem like me. Im trying to keep the player, but the game on freeze. Most wanted like a louis. Stay up in the newi. baby like youi. See you and I wanna know that. So fly you the winner and you know that. Ohh think I might make you my boo. Im choosing, choosing you"

Bahja: "Im digging your pretty boy swag. All the girls want you, cause you bad. so fly crazy with it. Don't stop get it, get (Yeah). Shawty were you at trying to holla cause your like like that (like that). Cause your the one boy (Yeah). Your the one boy (Yeah) Ohhh Huhhh, A Woahhh."

B&A: "Shawty so official with it. Swagged up you wassup. Dont know what you do to me. Got me going crazy, my girls be like just forget it. Im not with it ( i aint with it ). Ohh they don't know what you do to me got me feeling pains (got me feeling pains oh). You be like so official uh huh. Your official ohh woah yeah yeahhh. Shwaty you be like so official uh huh. Your official yeah, ye-yeah so, so official yeah."

Bahja: "thank you oh so much"

Aaliana: ignores her and walks back to the room

Bahja: sighs and follows

After the Concert, Meet and Greet

Fan: walks up to the OMG Girlz table "hey"

Zonnique: "hey cutie what's your name?"

Fan: "Amiya"

Breaunna: "hey Amiya"

Bahja: acts like a boy "wassup Miya!"

Amiya: "Is Aaliana here? I want to get a picture with her and yall"

Zonnique: "umm, Bre go see if she's coming out here"

Breaunna: "iight" goes to the lounge and sees her talking with Kianie Rayanna and Angel "dimples you have a fan that wants to see you"

Angel: "Oh My God she has groupies already!"

Kianie: "get up and go! Matter of fact, I'm taking pictures of Ali meeting her first fan" gets up and follows Bre and Ali, along with Angel and Raya

Aaliana: "hey sweetheart"

Fan2: "everyone it's Ali!"

Everyone mobs the OMG Girlz table

Jawan: throws his hands up "Li you stealing all my fans! What happened to #TeamJawan?"

Aaliana: "I'm #TeamJawan all day !" makes a heart

Amiya: "can I take a picture with you four?"

Bahja: "of course"

They take pictures.

The night goes on with them signing things and taking pictures. Most girls went back to the other tables after they left There.

After the last fan leaves ..

Prince: "ready to go A?"

Aaliana: "umm, about that. Can I stay with Raya tonight? Please?"

Raya: puppy dog face "please uncle Prince?"

Bahja: mumbles so only Zonnique and Bre hear "let her go. Ain't got time for that attitude tonight anyways"

Breaunna: gives her a 'hush up' look

Prince: "I guess that's ok. Be back by 4pm tomorrow. "

Aaliana: "thanks daddy!" kisses him and leaves with Angel Kianie and Rayanna

MB is staying at the hotel, Jacob, Issa, and Jawan are staying at their homes, and Diggy is staying with Jacob.

The girls are all at their house, since they live in Atlanta, and They are video chatting.

Breaunna: "Be what was up with that whole attitude thing at the concert?"

Bahja: "when we were practicing she was being all lazy and I told her to put her little attitude on hold. So then we restarted and she did it a whole lot better, and at the end I was like thank you and she just ignored me and came back to the room. She made such a big scene about not wanting to perform, but then she does it and acts like she's so amazing cause she got a few lil fans now. I mean it's OMGs song.."

Zonnique: "I get what your saying. But when she came back from rehearsal she seemed fine"

Bahja: "EXACTLY!!"

Alix: "smh. Be and Ali were the best of friends, and she's all mad now because Be gave her a little advice"

Breaunna: "mmh Mmh!!"

Zonnique: "hold on, Jacob wants to join our convo." presses accept

Bahja: "Jakie!"

Breaunna: "Mr. Like em All! Wassup?"

Jacob: "I'm lonely" makes a sad face

Zonnique: "aww, Jacob misses Ali"

Bahja: "Jacob needs to get his snobby ass girlfriend in check"

Breaunna: "BAHJA!"

Jacob: "I know, she was acting real .. Ratchet today"

Alix: "when you can't find the right word, just use ratchet" laughs

Jacob: "I mean she made a big deal out of performing, does it great, gets a few fans, and is all happy go lucky"

Bahja: "EXACTLY!!!"

Lolo: comes in the room "Bahja let's do the cinnamon challenge!"

Bahja: "does it look like I wanna die?!"

Lolo: "I'll do it of you do it!"

Bahja: thinks about it "ok. I'll see y'all tonorrow." hangs up

Zonnique: "I think I'm about to go Interact with my famss, bye y'all" hangs up

Alix: "me too, night!" hangs up

Jacob: "you leaving too Bre?"

Breaunna: "yea, Bouta go to sleep"

Jacob: "alone again, but goodnight Babydoll!" hangs up

Uhh ohh, Bahja and Ali got beef now! Ali letting fame get to her already! How y'all like this?! I worked a little hard on it so appreciate! Lol and Shoutout to all my lovely seniors that graduated today. I went to see about 30 of my friends graduate today and I was sooo proud of them! Congrats to c/o 2012 ! (:

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