Grocery Love

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While sitting on the couch in the living room of my apartment reading my book, I hear my stomach complaing. Given that my kitchen is empty, I decide to go to the groceries.

So, I dress up casually and slide into my shoes. I take my purse and lock the door on my way out.

I get in my car and start the ignition. It's a 15-minute drive.

As I drive, I see a red light. I press on the brake but as my car stops, another car bumpes onto mine from the behind. I feel like I'm pushed forward and for a moment I'm so scared that I'm surprised I haven't fainted yet.

I stay inside the car for a moment to calm my breathing and my pulse. After a minute or two I get out of the car furious from what happened. A lot of cars are stopped with their drivers looking at me as if I'm some ghost. I search with my eyes still very angry for the person who bumped onto my car and didn't even come out to apologise.

A man right behind my car is sitting inside a Mercedes looking behind me and smirking like an idiot. I don't know why he is smirking. It could have been an accident if he was driving on a higher speed. I turn to look behind me and choke in shock. I stand there looking at my beautiful Audi crashed at the back. I hear a door opening and then the sound of it as it closes.

'Hey, are you hurt?', a deep voice speaks from behind me. I turn around so that I am able to speak properly with the person but as I am about to answer I see who it is and suddenly I am full of anger.

' Asshole. ', I say to him angrily and I swear if eyes could kill, he would be dead now. I show him my back and walk away quickly before he can answer. I get in my car and begin to drive to the groceries, leaving a dumbfounded man behind.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

After picking everything I need from the store, I head to the cash. The line is short. A tall guy in front of me with a gorgeous back (yes i like backs, so what? it's normal..) and I.

When the man turns his head to pick something from the shelf on the left, I'm able to see his face. I recognise him immediately. My mouth drops. He is the one who crashed my car. Anger starts to built up inside me once again and I refrain myself from going all karate at him. I have a black belt at karate, you don't want to mess with me!

I shake the thoughts out of my head and look at him again. Our eyes meet. He smirks again. Lovely. Note the sarcasm.

' Look who we've got here.' That same deep voice echoes in my head and for a moment I find it beautiful. Stop daydreaming Teresa!

I cross my arms on my chest. I try to look anywhere but him and then pretend to look for something in my purse. I really don't want to look at him right now.

' Hey, um, I'm sorry for what happened earlier. ' I hear him talk but can't believe what I am hearing. I stare at him gape-mouthed.

' Say what?', great answer Teressa. Way to go. The person here apologises and you act like a doofus. I shake my head to stop the internal scolding.

He chuckles -oh what a beautiful sound. I know I am supposed to be angry -I am.. Kind of? But now that I take a better look at him he is really handsome. Dark brown hair and brown eyes. I know it's something common but it suits him perfectly. He is like a greek God. His smile is so freaking hot. I think I'm drooling. His smile is now replaced by a worried expression. He shakes my arm gently and I snap out of my thoughts. Oh my god I was checking him out, wasn't I? I hope he doesn't say some stupid remark like " You like what you see?". I hate that. I look up at him and start to blush a deep shade of red.

' Are you alright?' he asks with concern.

' Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks.' I am sure that by now I look like a huge walking tomatoe.

' So as I was saying, I'm sorry for crashing your car. I can fix it if you want me to.' He offers with a small smile.

' It's fine. I can manage. Thank you for the offer though.' I say politely and smile.

He nods and smiles as a responce and I think I saw a glimpse of disappointment in his eyes, but I let it go. He turns to the cashier and pays for what he picked. I see him grabing his bags and getting ready to leave, but it is as if he regrets it and stops on his track.

' I didn't get your name.' He is now facing me a few meters away. I don't know what to say, so I just answer him.

' Teresa.'

' I'm Xavier.' He waves at me and I nod waving him back. ' See you around.'

He is so sweet. I feel my cheek burn and my body heat up as I remember those lasts minutes with him. I start to blush at the thought. Stop it Teresa! You are angry! He crashed your car, Jesus.

I think I'm bipolar. I mean some minutes ago I hated his guts but right now I feel like all this hatred is in the past. Too bad I'm never going to see him again.

The cashier clears her throat and I turn to her direction. she points to the people behind me with an angry face and I smile nervously. I pay and head out of the store. As I get closer to the place I parked, I see something white fly inside the car. I open the back door and place my bags carefully on the seats. I walk to the driver's door and open it. I had left the window slightly open on purpose so that the air inside would be refreshed. I look down and there on the driver's seat lies a small piece of paper. I take it and read the context.

' 0300256832075 - Call me. Xavier :)'

Okay breath in and out. In and out. Gosh that sounds dirty.

Now that I have calmed down from the fangirling mode I see the piece of paper again and smile to myself as I fold it and put it inside my purse.I start the car to head back home. I think I am going to call him to talk about the car. I smile mischieviously and park on the driveway in from of my house.

I unlock the lock and go straight into the kitchen to put everything in their places.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

When everything is in place, I take my phone and the small note out of my purse and dial the number written on it. I wait patiently and after three rings I hear a deep voice from the other side of the call.

' Hello?' It's him.

' Hello Xavier. I'm Teresa. '

~ The end ~


Aye yo!

So, that was my first story and I must say that I am happy I finally managed to finish one of my ideas. Tell me what you think, every opinion is accepted. But please don't be cruel. Writers have feelings. Also let me now if you want another one-shot or even story. I could try that.

Also, I apologise for grammar and spelling mistakes.

I hope you enjoyed my little attempt to write.

Thank you for reading.

xoxo, Joe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2018 ⏰

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Grocery Love.  ~one shotWhere stories live. Discover now