Taco Man
Taco Man is one of the food heroes. Taco mans power is strength. So if there is a bad guy is outside Taco Man can just kick the bad guy far away.
The Robber
One day when Taco man was walking in the town of T's he saw a Robber and he was stealing money from the bank. Taco man rushed over to the Robber and took the money from him and kicked him out of the State.
Banana Man
Banana Man is also one of the food heros. His power is to flip and hit the bad guys at the same time.
Gold mine
One day when banana Man was digging at his local gold mine he sas two guys. the guys were fighting over gold and it was alot of gold. then one of then got out their gun. So banana man flipped over to the two guys and hit them with both ends of him.