Chapter 1 - Greetings

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You made your way to the bus stop hoping that your day wouldn't be yet another tedious and draining school day. You hated school and everything that came with it, it was just a constant drag and annoyance. When you finally reached the bus stop you noticed there were a few new people who you hadn't seen before. There were two blonde, prissy girls with their school skirts rolled up far too many times and a boy with black hair and silver eyes. He had his earphones in and stared blankly at the floor. You studied him for a moment before turning to your friends Christa and Ymir. 

"Who's that boy?" you asked inquisitively.

“I don't know, I think he's in our year though” Christa said with a puzzled look.

“He's really short isn't he.” Ymir commented. You looked him up and down and noticed that he was short. Especially short. Still taller than you most likely though, you were only 5'2.

“Yeah I guess he is pretty short” you said with a laugh. The bus came into view and you got on reluctantly. You let out a heavy sigh when you realised the bus was extremely full. Ymir and Christa sat on the last two seater and you were left to find an empty seat. A few seats behind them, you noticed that the raven haired boy was sat by himself and there was an empty seat. Nervously you walked over and asked if you could sit down. He turned to look at you, he did have a very unusual eye colour, but it was pretty. He held your gaze for a moment before nodding and turned away. You cautiously sat down beside him and put in your earphones to avoid awkwardness. You could very faintly smell his cologne which was a nice change to the usual smell of sweaty school kids. He sat with his right ankle propped on top of his left thigh in a comfortable position while gazing out of the window.

After what seemed like hours, you got off the bus and joined your two friends.

“well that must have been awkward” Yimir remarked. You scratched your head and laughed nervously.

“it wasn't so bad I guess” you replied with a shaky voice.

“whatever, we have french first, may as well jump of a bridge” Ymir sighed.

“Oh god don't even remind me, at least you sit with Jean, I sit by myself at the back, I swear she hates my guts.” you said angrily.

You arrived in french and sat down in your usual seat. You never listened and just doodled in the back of your book all lesson. Madame Rose slowly walked up to your desk and closed your book shut. “what have I told you before about doodeling (name)!”

“sorry.” you said half heartidly.

“Levi will be sitting here from now on” she pointed to the seat next to you. The silver eyed boy from before slumped down into the seat looking bored. “make sure she doesn't doodle again.” she said sternly, he nodded before madame Rose turned on her heel and walked away.

You rested your head on your arms and sighed while looking up at your teacher reluctantly. You were concious of Levi's presence next to you but nevertheless, you were bored and tired and felt your eyelids become heavy.

“they're good” you heard a deep voice say. Your eyes snapped open and you turned to Levi with a confused look.


“your drawings, they're good.” He seemed sincere but his face showed no emotion and neither did his voice.

“oh...erm thank you ...they're nothing really, just doodles.” You blushed and felt your heart beat faster. You wanted to talk to him but you were so shy and didn't know what to say. A few moments later you decided to converse with the black haired teen. “is this your first day..Levi? Right?”

“yeah” he said while staring at the desk, it didn't really seem like he even heard what you had said.

“(name) Quel est le mot français pour....bedroom.” you froze as she called your name.

“Please can you repeat the question.”

“Quel est le mot français pour bedroom (name)”


“chambre” a voice whispered next to you.

“chambre?” you said unsteadily to your teacher.

“très bon (name)” and with that, she moved onto the next kid in your class. You let out a sigh of relief and looked at Levi.

“t-thank you” you stuttered. He just nodded in response, not even looking back at you. “You don't talk much do you.” You stated.

He finally brought his gaze to meet yours. “You talk an awful lot don't you” he responded coldly.

“well that was rude.” you said while slumping back in your chair.

“maybe I wouldn't be rude if you were less annoying”

“I don't know what I've done for you to hate me so much but whatever, I was just trying to make conversation with you considering it's your first day and you've probably not got many friends.”

“shut up.” he responded.

“you won't get many friends with that attitude Levi.”

“I don't need friends, I don't care.”

“You keep telling yourself that.” before he could respond the bell went for you to go to your next class. Geography was next and you seriously thought about Yimir's idea of jumping off a bridge. Annoyed that the highly attractive boy was an absolute prick you walked out of French as quickly as you could to catch up with your friends.

“How is that Levi guy? He's pretty cute isn't he, lucky you (name)” You gave Christa a death glare.

“I'm straight and honestly, that guy is really attractive” Jean commented.

“I think we all know you're slightly gay Jean dear” You laughed. Jean blushed a dark red. “Does the name Marco ring a bell?”

“Marco and I are just friends.” he stuttered.

“Ha of course you are.” you slyly grinned at him.

“We all know Jean.” Ymir commented.

“You guys just shut up ok.” With that Jean walked off with Connie and Sasha.

“He's so far in the closet he can probably see Narnia by now” Ymir laughed.

“Oh my god.” you laughed. At least you had your two best friends who kept you sane.

You sat in your seat in geography only to find that Levi was sat opposite you on the table. “You have got to be fucking kidding me” you thought as you got out your books. You did everything you could to avoid looking Levi in the eye but it was difficult considering he did have really nice eyes, and just a nice face overall. Damn why did he have to be so attractive. You remembered how rude he was to you before and ended up just looking up at the teacher who was awkwardly sat behind Levi at his desk. You felt Levi's eyes burn into you and couldn't help but look at him. His head was hung with his eyes looking up at you, making him look really evil. You shook your head slightly at him and started writing down notes. You were so concious of Levi you could barely concentrate and ended up doodling in your book to distract yourself. It was a drawing of a cat with a ball of string. “I wish I was a cat so I could claw at his face” you thought in your head. The lesson dragged on and you began chewing your pen looking down at the desk. You looked up and caught his gaze once more, he furrowed his brows and tilted his head slightly as if to say “what are you looking at?” you gave him a death glare and suddenly the bell went. You picked up your bags and left in a hurry with Sasha.

“wow tow lessons in a row! Lucky you” Sasha beamed.

“Ha believe me, I wouldn't say I'm lucky.” Why was everyone so obsessed with this guy.

“All the girls in French were saying how jealous they all were.” she giggled.

“Oh god.” you said wide eyed. “if only they knew” you thought inside your head.

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