The Dream

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Darkness, the only thing that exists in this world. The world that no one ever escapes and eventually are engulfed by it. The darkness that controls, the darkness that appears only at the close and disappears at the open. Thats all I can see, no light, no colour except black – a colour revealing hidden evil.

Suddenly, my vision is blinded by white as I attempt to crush my eyes closed, unfortunately unsuccessfully. The chirp of birds slowly drip into my ears from the whistling wind, its oddly calming. The smell of grass and flowers and the prickle of grass on my neck.

I slowly stop my futile attempt at closing my eyes and looked around wearily. "where am I?" I murmur under my breath, my mind confused on not just how I got here, but where is here?

Bright green vegetation surrounded the area. Tall trees stretching for sunlight but past the trees is nothing but...darkness? I looked around more. The area – despite how beautiful it looked – was surrounded, but two things caught almost all my attention.

Yes, two big flame red eyes which seemed to follow every move.

Suddenly, a loud inhuman growl dragged me out of my thoughts. The eyes pounced towards me, but no body followed. It, it just spread the darkness which engulfed the once beautiful scenery. I turned and sprinted not caring that I am blinded by a weakness that...that...thing? Could use to ITs advantage.

I ran for what felt like forever when suddenly I stumbled, the one time. The one time! I didnt need nor want to trip on nothing. But as I waited to hit the ground nothing came, I just felt like I was falling and falling being consumed by evil.

Slowly the whisper of the wind zooming over my ears transformed to a beeping causing me to shoot up and appear back in my all too familiar navy blue room. I felt my forehead and my hand flooded with sweat. But what was weird was my joints held a tremendous pain and fatigue like I had actually been running.

A familiar sound, a growl? Rumbled through my room I slowly crept towards my window and slowly peeked through a little hole I created. Nothing? I looked over my shoulder towards my clock. 8 oclock? Why was it dark? I slowly turn back and slowly opened my curtains. My breath hitched in my throat at what I saw two fire, blood red eyes staring at me, surrounded by darkness, just floating like once before, making one question run through my mind at a hundred miles an hour over and over again. Was that dream a dream or was it – I gulped – real?

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