Surgix: God Of Beginning

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As a never ending darkness lay upon an unfounded frontier.  A force of unknown created 2 stars, one of which was called Ulynis and the Fenbeqk. These stars eventually bonded under creation to give the frontier that once was dark, a leader of life, or beginning rather and it's name was Surgix. Surgix was assigned to establish 3 human life forms. That he did and he created man, woman and child. The name of first man was Drabe and woman named Elyuantra. The child wise enough to chose his own name chose Klok. Surgix knew this child would be special so he wanted to bestow this child with a gift of power and rule. Surgix trusted Klok and challenged him with 3 tasks before he could become Savior of the New World. The first was Klok must invoke law. The second was Klok must invoke emotion. The third was Klok must invoke intellect and all of these qualities will be inside the creatures Surgix would give power to Klok to rule, and so Surgix made land out of Drabe and made water out of Elyuantra. This which made Klok very upset. So he then inhaled the essence of Surgix and he became a new creature under the name of Egysyg. Under Egysyg rule of land and water he then made the establishment of multiple human civilization out of Ulynis and Fenbeq. He then placed The Three Powers of Law, Emotion, and Intellect in the minds of all humans and warned and swayed punishment for those who break these and if so they will be put in a torturous, horrifying place where their own flesh will melt and their fears will become friends. In the depths of Brann under the land and water where they will spend their forever in pain and flame. The darkness still exsisting, Egysyg grabbed an amount of flame from Brann and made the light, which shall be known as Sun. Egysyg then made 3 gods to control all these creations whilst he rest. Vannisma, God of Water. Jord, God of Earth. The last being Letnuimad. Each three ruled the new world of Avenia.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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