Part 1

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Max's P.O.V.

Me, Nikki and Neil all waited for our parents...Well, at least they were, my parents never cared about me. "Oh god no" Neil said, face palming "It just had to be my dad..." Neil just walked straight past his dad and jumped into the car. "Well thats my mom!" Nikki said jumping into her car. I remembered the incident involving Nikki's mother and Neil's father. Its gonna be so awkward between them two now. I love watching people suffer.

Three Hours Later...

"David, they're not coming for the last time!" I said, getting pretty annoyed. "Come on Max! Who would forget about their..." David paused. "Precious child?" I said. David nodded quickly before looking back at the dock. "Come on you little shit!" Shouted Dad. I really didn't want to go back to my parents, they treated me like garbage. "Is that your father?" David asked. Shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT! "Uh...yeah..." I replied, avoiding eye contact. David frowned and walked over to my dad, all I did was stare. Its David's fault for risking his life and I didn't want to stop him.


I was still avoiding eye contact, I really didn't want to see all the bruises he had. I looked out the window. My dad flagged me but I smiled and flagged him, At least I'm away from those shit heads. David turned on the radio,

Wouldn't David listen to this? I rolled my eyes, I CANNOT LISTEN TO THIS FUCKING CRAP RIGHT NOW. I changed the song.

David first frowned, but then he saw me rocking my head to the beat, he smiled and pretended that he knew the lyrics. "Uhhh lengends..Remember me, centuries, oh uh teenage dreams and story is really wrong I have fingers? Remember me, centuries, mistakes taken...Soon gone, pretty? Dust and gold get remembered. Mistakes taken...I could screen for never land...DUST AND GOLD! REMEMBER ME, CENTURIES! HISTORY BOOK! HISTORY BOOK HAVE REMEMBERED ME FOR CENTURIES!!!" David sang. I face palmed. Well, he just ruined my favourite song! What next? Wait...I'm gonna have to live with him aren't I? Ugh, this will be a looonnnggggg day.

Sorry if it's short, but at least I finished half a chapter and I'm publishing it already! What is wrong with meee? BTW,did anyone think I was dead? :O

Yours sincerely,
Welsh Weirdo~

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