Lesbi Honest

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She smelled so good. Today she had wore my favorite, Vanilla Sunset lotion and perfume. Jennifer Ann Cates was 9th grade Advanced Biology lab partner. It was my first time ever that much attention to a girl unless I was getting ready to gossip about her. Jennifer Ann had blond Hair (natural color), a really nice bust, the perfect smile, lightly tanned skin and the sweetest voice ever. I was in love with her, like so much n love with her that I wanted to make all that love to her. Wait, wait, what the hell.... no I do not. What am I talking about? I'm pure heterosexual. I can not until Biology was over. I can't take anymore whiffs of van-

Around me were Nurse Yvonne, Jennifer Ann, Guy and Mr.Adrian.

"I'm so glad you're awake, I was about to order a casket." Laughs Nurse Yvonne.

I was dazed. I felt like I was on drugs. I probably was.

"What happened to me? My head hurts like fuck!" I was concerned. Next thing I know Jennifer Ann is crying and apologizing.

"I'm sorry Jackie! I didn't realize how strong it was, I am truly sorry!"

What the hell. I'm still not aware of what occurred. Oh, duh... the scent of Jennifer's lotion made me faint.That didn't mean I wanted her to stop wearing it I loved it. Guy, my best friend since like birth, was helping my sit up on te plaid couch. I mean, I love plaid button up shirts but this couch was just plain ugly.

"What class do I have now, Guy?" I was hoping that I missed ELA I didn't do the essay that was due today.

"It's time to go home, c'mon I'll walk you." He was such a good friend, our parents want us to get married but that's not going happen. We are just friends. Me and Guy leave the nurse's office and walk to our lockers which are right next to each other. Jennifer Ann comes over.

"Look, Jackie, I'm really sorry about your head."

"It's cool, Jennifer Ann. Don't sweat it."

She kisses the spot where the throbbing pain is coming from and says

"I hope this makes it feel better and please call me Jen."

"Thanks Jen. Hopefully it will, see you tomorrow."


On the walk home Guy was telling me about his mom and dad getting back after 5 years of being divorce. To be honest, I was'nt really listening, I only heard bits and pieces. I was to busy daydreaming about Jennifer. I like calling her by her full name. Jennifer Ann and Jackie Stevenson-Cates. Perfect. Her and my last name combined, perfect. My head felt so much better after her kiss, well not really, it just was alluded to feel better because I was aroused.

"I love my pops but he's been gone for like six years, I don't want him jumping back in just to smash and pass my mom again."

He interrupted me. I should listen.

"Guy, I've met your dad and he's a cool dude, I doubt he'll make that mistake again."

He continues babbling and I continue to listen. We get to my door. Finally.

"You wanna hang in your house or mine?"

" Nah, Guy, I really don't fell like hanging out today, I'll see you tomorrow."

"OK Jackie, see you."

Hug, kiss on the cheek, bye.

When I unlock my door, I really have to pee so I run to the bathroom. I sit on the toilet seat and there is a note taped to the sink. My parents noticed I come in the bathroom when I get into the house. It says:

Jackie, darling I love you. I have been noticing some changes in you. Today I saw your bloody tampon and I'm glad you're sticking stuff up your vagina instead of rubbing it up on someone else's like your dumb ass sister. How the hell can she be a gay? We did not raise her like that. Anyway, honey there is chicken salad (your favorite) in the fridge. Me and your dad are going to have a night out but if Valerie does call tell her exactly this: "Valerie, stop calling here, this family does not associate themselves with lesbians" then hang up. Ok sweetie

-Love Mom and Dad ,not like a lesbian though

My sister Valerie, about a month or two ago, came out. My family totally dismissed her except me. Of course, I still talk to my sister but without my parents knowing. My mom is extremely homophobic. After I pee I take off my pants and walk around in a oversized t-shirt that says "Homies Forever". Guy got it for our 5 year anniversary. I get my chicken salad and plop myself on the living room couch and flip through channels.

"Oh, Mean Girls is on!" I think out loud.

The phone rings.

" Hello"

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2014 ⏰

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