Merlin (The Start)

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Season One, Chapter One

This book is dedicated to my wonderful grandmother, I love you.

The stone came flying past, but I stepped away in the slightest movement to dodge the rocketing stone.

"Excuse me, do you mind?" I scowled, seeing Blair's expression change immediately.

She dropped her sticks and turned sassily and continued to head for the lake.

"Be careful down there" I added "Make sure you don't fall in!"

I shook my head and got up to follow her, obviously nobody else did because they didn't even notice we were out of the tent.


"Dakota! Dakota!" Shouted Blair.

I looked up and looked around.

"I'm not leaving this rock unless you tell me what I'm coming to look at" I explained "I'm not in the mood for one of your tricks"

The yelling of my name became louder and louder until I let out a sigh and headed for her.

"Blair?" I shouted.

I looked everywhere for that girl. I started to panic.

"Blair this seriously isn't funny!"

The sound of my echoes became louder as I shouted her name several times, every time it became louder.

"BLAIR!" At this point I was furious.


"Psssst!" A noise came from around the corner.
I looked around.

I looked behind a rock and found a small boy sitting and clutching his fists.


"Hi! I'm Merlin! I saw your sister be taken! We need to help her immediately!"

"Taken? By who? What do you mean?"

"Okay this probably sounds I don't know weird but I-"


"Okay so there is this man, I escaped from a prison in my old home town and he's after me. On the way he captures 'outsiders' to take back with him as.. I don't know.. He calls them his souvenirs"

I paced back and forth, thinking about how stupid I was to agree to bring her.

"Where is this man?" I asked,

He scratched his head, similar to the perfect ways people do it in the movies.

"Forver Land" he replied.

I rolled my eyes.

"This is not a time to joke. My sister is on the line!"

"Trust me" he said, rising to his feet,
"I'm serious."

"Okay so where is this 'Forever Land?" I asked, still not believing him.

"Oh dear girl" he said,
"It's not that easy."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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