chapter 1

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They were all gathered in the conference room,sitting on a long table all dressed in corporate wears.whispers could be heard around the table.

   "Why do you think we're here"frank digby asked to no one in particular

    "Why don't you wait for the general to come"Kate stated clearly pissed.frank was usually like this the nonchalant person she often wondered how he got into the military

  "Miss kate...."frank wasn't able to complete his sentence because general Philip Rodriguez walked in with his p.a,jane Jenkins

  They all stood up as a sign of respect to the general.He was feared around the country and among the service.He stood at the end of the table,he was in his late fifties,he had a goatee which perfectly fits him,his hair was jelled back,he was putting on a grey tuxedo and a pair of Italian shoes,on his hand he wore an expensive gold wrist watch.
  He sat down looking at his right hand side and the left-hand side

   "You may all be seated"he said and they nodded taking their seats.he began speaking again when he was sure they were all listening"you may all be wondering why i called for this meeting"he got nods as his reply"there has been recent bombings in our country,i've got my suspicions on who the terrorist is and a day before yesterday I received a package which confirmed that I was right"

    "What package sir"George Hayley spoke

  "Jane show them the video"he ordered

    "Yes sir"she replied and moved to the front of the table,she inserted a disk into her laptop and projected the video

The video play's
Heavy breathing could be heard from the guy on the video

"I hope this video reaches general Rodriguez,by the time this gets to him am probably dead..."he looks around trying to see if anyone was watching,when he was convinced he was all alone he continued

"My name is tom blaque am part of the mission 'peace gate'.when we got to Afghanistan for the peace mission,we thought we accomplished our mission but that was all wrong.on the eve of our return that's today there was an explosion in the southern part of the base we discovered we were attacked by him..."he pause looking around then continues

"Mazeez,"fear was written all over his face as he said the name"his real name is Ahmad Azeez , general Rodriguez if you ever get this message do something,mazeez has his eyes on our country "

Crashes could be heard on the background accompanied by shooting sounds

"Tom am out of bullets get here"someone shouted from the background

"I've gotta go "he spoke immediately and the video stops

End of video

"So how are going to stop mazeez,nobody has been able to track his whereabout "frank speaks

   "We tracked it "Jane said"he's going to be in north Dakota very soon"

  "How do we plan on achieving this"Luke asked

  "We will use a bait"

  "A bait"the all questioned

  "That's when this comes in"she projected the picture of a brunette"this is Rosa Jeremy,she is the best agent we've got she's 28 and is married with two kids"

She moved on to the next who was a redhead
    "Joanne Race,she's the second best agent,she's 29 and is engaged"

She moved on to the next picture of a brunette
    "Last but not the least,Jennifer Ceylon,shes 24,single and has never been to any mission but she's the best in her sector"she concluded and glanced at general Rodriguez

  "We need someone to be able to distract him,get on his good side and make him fall in love "he paused"so who is it going to be?"

   Murmurs could be heard around the room as they all tried to give their opinions. Finally George cleared his throat to speak

  "I think we should go with Jennifer"he said as his eyes scanned the table for support and everybody nodded in agreement

  "Why do you think so George"general Rodriguez asked waiting for an explanation, he wasn't going to go this mission to just anyone

  "She has no past records of going for any mission and she's not in any relationship"he stated an continued"mazeez is smart am sure he knows anyone in the force who has been to any mission"

   "Then it's settled Jennifer takes the mission"he turns to he p.a  "set every necessary documents for Jennifer she leaves for north Dakota tomorrow

   "Yes sir"

"This meeting is over"he stood up and left with his p.a following him. 

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