Death Is my Frenemy - Revealed

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"You've wanted this for a long time Cupcake." His velvet voice slithered through my mind. I shivered, not because of the freezing cold as I stood in the middle of the playground, in the middle of the night, with nothing but a nightgown on. No, that would be stupid. I shivered because I knew I was finally getting what I wanted. What I had yearned for since I could remember.

"Since the day I saved your life." I heard in my ear. I whipped around, but saw nothing but the darkness. I turned back around, facing the swing-set we had once played on before Church. The chains were now beginning to rust, and they squeaked as the wind pushed them too and fro. I rubbed my hands up and down my arms, wishing I had thought to put on something warmer. Yeah Faith, I thought, because you were TOTALLY expecting to be going out to see what your stalker looked like. I shook my head of all thought, and opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off.

"I think this would be better if you didn't say a word." He hushed, suddenly in front of me. His fingers were on my lips, and his hand was on the back of my head. His hood was lowered, as always, but that was about to change. 

"Please." I whispered. "Just show me." I lowered my head, but his fingers caught my chin and lifted it back up. If only I could meet his eyes.

"This is boring." he murmured. Suddenly, my feet weren't so friendly with the floor, and I buckled to my knees. I looked up to see Death smirking. I glared at him and got up off the wet grass. 

"Nothing's simple with you is-". Before I could finish, a cool hand was on my mouth.

"I thought we agreed you would shut up." Death scolded. I frowned, but kept my lips in a firm line. He took his hand away. "Much Better."

Then his lips came crashing into mine. He kissed me roughly, but sweetly. Dangerously. They were soft, and I could feel his piercing against my mouth. I kissed him back, trying to match his efforts. He smiled against my lips, and continued to kiss me, with more desire than before. His tongue scraped my teeth, asking for entrance. I granted it, and he explored my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed myself onto him. His arms pulled me up, and I wrapped my legs around his hips. His hand caressed my back, but tenderly as to not let me fall. Our lips were still moving in synch. The fireworks everyone talks about are bullshit. 

It was more like grenades. Nothing artsy-fartsy with Death. 

My feet touched the floor, and I internally begged him to not let go. But all amazing things must end. 

"Yes…They must." A voice floated through my head. 

And then I felt it. It was like a lightning bolt going through me. My knees buckled but strong hands grasped me so I didn't fall. 

"Faith? Faith!" he shouted, but it only came as a whisper. My eyes were fluttering shut, but I forced them to stay open a little longer.

"Wha…What's happening to…to me" I breathed out. 

"You're in shock." I felt his lips against my ear. 

Holding my stomach, I let out a shaky laugh. "In shock? From a k…kiss?" I blushed, embarrassed at the thought of our kiss.

"Well, I am an amazing kisser. This is expected." he chuckled. I rolled my eyes, the pain in my gut ceasing. I found my legs and slowly stood, holding onto Death's arms. Once I was up, I straightened my nightgown out. 

"Shit, if that's the reaction you have when I kiss you, you might literally die when I show you my face." 

I froze, remembering why I had agreed to meet him here in the middle of the freaking night. I looked up to see him a good couple of meters away with his back to me. His signature black cloak was being pushed around in the wind. I walked over, but stopped about a foot away. 

"Why did you kiss me?" I whispered.

I saw him sigh, and he turned around to face me. 

"Can't we leave the questions for later…" he murmured, his face inches from mine. 

"If you agree to answer them eventually." I murmured back. I felt his lips tenderly brush against mine, before he grabbed my waist tightly. "Hold on tight Cupcake". With that, a cloud of black engulfed us, and we disappeared into the night sky. 

I landed on a soft ground. That was one experience I would never forget. Death had taken us through thin air. I finally knew what it was like when he all of a sudden just disappears into the night sky. It's that feeling you get when you're on a rolercoaster and you're free-falling for that second. You're stomach drops and you feel weightless. The world had whizzed passed us. I looked around in a daze, and realised we were in my room, and I was on my bed. I looked up to see Death standing at the foot of my bed, staring above my head. I looked behind me at the wall and cringed. I had put up the silver cross I used to burn him the night I had accidentally told my parents I thought David was Death. Hastily I grabbed the damned thing and tossed it out the window. I watched as it tumbled through the air and landed with a thud on the ground. 

"I frightened you that much?" He asked, his voice tender. I spun around and looked at him. 

"I…" What could I say? I had been frightened, yes. But Death always frightened me, even if just a little bit. I had put the cross up as soon as I got home because not only was I frightened, I was mad. I wanted all of this to end. 

"I was just mad." I mumbled. I wandered back over to the bed and cuddled up to one of my pillows. "Now are you going to show me your damn face or not?"




And with that, he lifted his hands to his hood, and, ever so slowly I thought it might kill me - no pun intended - he slid it back and looked at me. I saw two piercing blue eyes. No, they were more silver. They shimmered slightly, staring into mine with such intensity. I had wanted to see those eyes again for such a long time. He could no longer wear the mask he used to cover his identity and his soul. I had seen him now. He was unshielded. I moved my focus to his nose, perfectly shaped, and onto his lips, which I had kissed mere minutes ago. They were full and…well…sexy. Just staring at them I wanted so badly for him to kiss me again. No, focus Faith. My eyes wandered to his air. It was cut short, with a fringe that fell just over his eyes, which he pushed back. It was jet black, as I had imagined. I wondered internally if it had once been a golden blonde, back when he was an…angel. Staring now, at his whole head, I noticed his head was a heart shape. Ironic. It was slightly pale, but not in the sickly way. In the enchanting way. This was nothing like when I had first met Gabriel. He was a mere mortal when it came to beauty. Death was the definition of perfect. Cheesy, but true. 

I heard a throat clear, and realised it was Death.

"Are you quite done inspecting every inch of my face?" he smirked. I blinked a couple of times to get me out of my daze. I felt so drawn to him right now. Maybe it was the bond, maybe it was just the fact that I needed him like air. He had unveiled himself to me. Standing near him, I felt like a mushroom next to a rose. I reached up and put my hand on his cheek, cupping his face. His skin was so smooth, like ice. Cold like ice too. He lifted his hand and placed it on mine, pulling it away. I frowned and looked into his glorious eyes again. 

"That's enough." And with that, the beauty of a bastard vanished.

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