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"Naomi!" Jordan called out.

Naomi popped out of the kitchen, having scavenged in the fridge for something to eat. She was unsuccessful in her hunt. She'll need to go grocery shopping later with Bennett.

"What happened, Jordan?" Naomi asked.

"Someone is being mean to me," he whined.

"Was it Declan again?" Naomi accused.

"For once, no," Declan said.

"I don't mind it when Declan makes fun of me," Jordan said. "It's just his tsundere way to show how much he loves me."

"No words can describe what I really am feeling right now..." Declan began, seething.

Jordan whispered, "It's love."

Naomi cut in before something else happened. "What's wrong, Jordan?"

"I was playing this video game," Jordan said. "I'm not having the best streak, but these guys keep bashing me on it."

"Can't you use your godly hacker skills to win the game?" Bennett asked, coming into the room.

Jordan wiped a tear away. "He called my skills 'godly'. Bennett, can you repeat it again? I want to record it.".

"Answer the question, Jordan."

"Even I have a code of honor in this," Jordan said dramatically, having been basked in a light as choir music played behind him. "I won't use my powers just to win some petty game."

"Jordan needs to stop messing with the sound and light system," Declan muttered.

"Why don't you use your hacker skills to mess with them?" Naomi offered.

"But I'll be unleashing my godly hacker skills onto these helpless gamers who chose the wrong person to target. That will be so petty."

"Yeah, and when have you ever been petty?" Declan said.

"Exactly," Jordan said. "And what if I wasn't a master hacker?"

"The world would be a better place?" Declan offered.

"No, really," Jordan said. "What if an average person got stuck in this situation? What should they do?"

This was a first for Jordan to bring up a subject that didn't make the others want to throw him out the window. A long silence hung over them, as the others tried to come up with a response to Jordan.

"Just log off," Bennett said. "You won't have to see any negative comments if you're not there."

"So I'll just never use technology again?" Jordan asked. "It's unfair that just because people are being jerks innocent people aren't able to do the things they want."

"I don't think it's an option to retaliate back..." Declan said. "You'll just be fighting fire with fire."

"You can always keep silent," Naomi muttered. "They'll have to lose fuel sometime. They won't see a point telling the same jokes if the target isn't making the response that they want."

"It would be nice if people join together and defend a target," Jordan said. "But sometimes, they'll just be bystanders. Not wanting to be the next target."

"Maybe..." Naomi began. "The best choice is all of our answers."

"What do you mean?" Declan asked.

"Well it will really depends on the person on how they want to respond," Naomi explained.

Bennett nodded, understanding. "You don't have to stay off technology forever. At times when you face negative comments, log off and come back at a better time."

"Then, you won't give them the satisfaction of replying and giving them the chance to make fun of you even more," Naomi said.

"Maybe then, you can give them a response, but not the response they want," Declan joined in. "Kill them with kindness. Don't fight against them, they're probably looking for a fight already. And if they still making fun of you, then they're really not worth the effort."

"And sometimes, people will defend you after you have the courage to defend yourself," Jordan said. "And people will defend you already, without you having to say a word. Being anonymous makes a person more courageous on both sides."

"And there's one thing you forgot about Jordan," Naomi told him.

"What is it?"

"You can always play multiplayer with us instead of with strangers," she said with a grin.

"It's better to play with friends," Bennett said as he passed out controllers.

"Who can beat your highscore," Declan finished, nudging Jordan by the shoulder.

They all laughed and went on to do just that.

I hope you all enjoy this one shot as you continue to wait for the next chapter of the sequel. (College apps, I rather write the chapter than another writing supplement.) Tell me how you all think about my entry, and if you agree or disagree about the ways to fight against cyber bullying. Are there any other ways you can think of? Are there instances you faced or witness bullying-what did you do? Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments!

If my entry (somehow) inspired you to make your own story, go to @NoMoreBullying and join AT&T's #LaterHaters writing contest. You'll have the chance to be a winning entry! Tweet out to me when you publish your contest entry and I'll be sure to retweet. Good luck everyone!


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