Chapter 1

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This had better work, or I am screwed.

Lauren Lewis tried not to swallow against her dry throat as she walked down a dimly lit stone corridor surrounded by four ogres. The ogres kept pace with each other, and she tried to keep pace with them without actually running. Whenever she slowed down, one would prompt her to keep moving by prodding her none too gently in the small of her back.

After abandoning her post in the Light Fae compound where she served the Ash - better known as the Blood King - she had come here, to the stronghold of the Dark and immediately turned herself in. Lauren had been thrown around and backhanded once when she wouldn't reveal her intentions, but she'd only told them that she had a message for the Dark Queen.

The ogres had bickered among themselves before one of them had made a phone call. She hadn't heard a word of it, but once it was done, they'd grabbed her by the elbows and led her deeper into the building.

She distracted herself from her fear of their likely destination by observing the two ogres she could see without craning her neck. They were twins - both bald, with large heads and blank faces. One wore a dark suit, with jeweled links at the cuffs of his dress shirt. The other wore a sleeveless mesh shirt that revealed his defined triceps and deltoids and many tattoos.

Each of the ogres could kill her barehanded in seconds.

Lauren decided that she now needed to also distract herself from her imminent death before she vomited.

Remember why you're here.

Remember what the Blood King had done to drive her here.

She had left behind her whole world with no chance of ever returning since she was now a traitor. She also had no idea where they were going, though she was sure that the ogres were taking her to see the Dark Queen.

Lauren had never met the Dark Queen, but had heard stories for years. How the queen had deposed the Morrigan a few years before and now ruled the Dark with a firm and absolute hand. That the queen was a succubus with legendary appetites and power.

How much of that was true and how much was plain bullshit was anyone's guess, but Lauren was about to find out. She also figured that she was dead no matter what happened now, but even if the Dark Queen killed her, if she at least heard Lauren's message first, then Lauren had done what she could.

Minutes later, they'd reached the end of the long hall, and one of the massive ogres opened a wide, oak door. Another shove from behind pushed Lauren forward, and she found herself staring into the face of the only occupant in the room that mattered.

Lauren supposed she should look at some of the others - she noticed in her peripheral vision that there were at least three or four other people in the room, and one of them would most likely be the one to execute her - or perhaps at the room itself, but she couldn't pull her eyes away.

So. This was the Dark Queen.

The queen sat on a large, iron monstrosity of a throne, but it couldn't overshadow the woman. The queen herself was fair-skinned, with long, dark hair without ornament that spilled across her shoulders and down her back. From what Lauren could see, she wore dark pants of some kind tucked into knee-high laced black leather boots, and a black leather jacket that managed to cover everything from shoulder to wrist and fell to mid-thigh, but revealed breasts so full, Lauren might raise an eyebrow in praise if she weren't so scared.

The whole presentation was intimidating as hell. Lauren wondered how she was going to sway this woman to listen to her.

"Why on earth should I believe a single thing you have to say?" The Dark Queen's double octave voice pinned Lauren in place.

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