Chapter 1:
In year 2021, January, the army of an unknown country, one country that no one knew of. The U.S. government kept it hidden. The country was called Yinsa Ruun-K. This country dropped bombs. These bombs carried a disease called NU-13. This disease makes its host a mindless creature.In my words, a zombie. This is what ended my life and those of many others. Hawaii went into chaos. The majority of the wealthy people managed to escape, leaving the rest of us behind. I'm happy to say my family escaped. That's all I need to know, my life doesn't matter. I'm fine with getting infected by the NU-13. Or at least that's what I thought before I met my first encounter with and infected. Those you call neighbors, those you called friends are now gone now. I opened the door of my house doing the least noise possible. One of the infected turned to look at my direction. I tried not to struggle every time I saw them. It's eyes and skin looked rotten, how many days had it been infected, by the looks of it's decomposed body it was probably 2 weeks infected. The whole infection started a month ago. I'm surprised I managed to survive this far, a boy... no a man of 19 years old. My hair was honestly a bit long. Black hair and blue eyes, I wasn't typically popular back in school, but who cares about that now. My name isn't the best either, Raimon Johnson. People used to call me Rat, so I still go by that name. I'm ready for anything coming, I've never even killed one of those things, my stealth has really helped me since I was in school. I just recently graduated high school and I was looking forward to taking my entry exam for college. I decided it was finally time for me to escape and stay in the CEDA safe camp, I heard their announcements about them protecting and feeding fellow civilians. So it's time for me to be another annoyance for them. The CEDA is a group that works on killing the infected, and protecting those who were left for dead. I'm hoping I'll be able to make it safely. I packed a few peanut butter sandwiches, into my black string backpack. I wore my dark ashy gray long sleeve jacket, and my black jeans. I tied my hair up, you never know an infected might grab my hair. I pulled up my hood and I strapped my string backpack on my left arm. I held my crowbar tightly, and I walked out my door, locking it behind me. There's a possibility some day, I'll come back here. I walked around a few a few of the infected, trying to avoid any conflict in any means. I'm actually quite used to walk around here. A few of the infected did notice me, but they decided to ignore me. I quickly jogged through the neighborhood. If I think about it. The camp is in the city which is about a few miles away, it's probably take me 5 days to get there if I walk. I passed a few other neighborhoods, and I even passed my old high school. An infected limped behind me. I quickly hit it on the head, tearing half of it's face off, I saw his skull shattering in the impact of my hit. It fell and gagged into it's own blood. I heard some gunshots in the distance. I hid behind a house around where I heard the gunshots coming from. " Hand over your goods kid, Or we'll kill you and your family, and I'll take your sister, she'll be good enough for a distraction." I saw a tough looking man with a rifle pointed towards an 11 year old kid. " I'm sorry but we're out of supplies."
"Then you're dead kid."
He was about to shoot, but I couldn't just stand there I crushed his fingers into his rifle, making him yell in pain. He dropped his rifle and fell back , I didn't care if I became I murderer, I hit him hard on the head. I picked up his rifle and put the strap around me. " thanks I owe you one Mister."
" No problem, but he might still be alive."
" That's no problem, we're leaving to the safe camp."
I never imagined he would be headed the same way I was." I'm going there to, if you want you can tag along ,also my name is rat." I whispered. " really, thanks." He ran into his house and after a few minutes, a man, a woman, and a girl about one year younger than me came out. "Rat you say." the father asked as he approached me. "correct sir."
" so you're headed that way to."
"Yes." I answered as his daughter approached us. the mother held her son's arm tightly. And that's when I thought, someday, I want a family of my own. "thanks for saving us from Gerald." The girl whispered as she shook my hand. she held a strand of her with her finger, she seemed like a shy girl. "No problem, in situations like this people should stick together." I answered as I started walking back towards the city. they followed closely behind. After days of traveling and killing zombies, we grew tired which meant anything could hurt us now.
An infected started limping towards us. I gave The girl my rifle. " could you hold this for a sec."I held my crowbar tightly in my hands, I slammed the zombie into a car, making the glass shards sink into it's skin. I heard a scream. I turned around to find the girl getting attacked by an infected. I ran over there and I pulled it back away from the girl. I quickly threw him towards the ground where I finished it, by ripping it's head open. " It didn't bite you right?" I asked. "No I'm fine ." she answered as she gave me my rifle back. " I'm sorry but I don't know how to shoot."
"don't worry about it." I answered. " Just call me over if you need anything." the mother thanked me as she still held on to her son's arm. It started to get dark, and I knew I couldn't travel another night. I was tired. "We should probably stop and rest for the night." The father said as he broke a window, of a house. He helped the others get inside. I slowly got in avoiding the broken shards. I helped the father push the fridge towards the broken window and the couch towards the door. "Thanks son." The father whispered. " also you may call me Nathan, this is my wife Helen." "I'm Tyler." the boy said as he jumped up. "I'm Evette." the girl said as she brushed her brown hair and her blue eyes sparkled. " Raimon Johnson, Rat for short."
Helen held out chips towards me. "Um no thank you, I already have food." I pulled out a peanut butter sandwich. "Can I have some?" Tyler exclaimed in joy. I passed him a sandwich. " Enjoy."

SAS: Squad 13
ActionRat. a 19 year old boy who was left behind, must survive the zombie apocalypse. He eventually finds someone he can finally trust and want to build a family with, however will he ever manage to reach this goal, when the world is in the brinks of dest...