Soulmate Tattoo

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This is just a oneshot I wrote a while ago. Not Mavin related.

It was getting late as Ava was getting ready to leave her best friend, Micca's house.

"I'd walk home with you but I have to help Thomas with something for Monday." Micca apologized.

"It's fine, I understand. I just can't wait until I get my tattoo and find out who my soul mate it... Then I wont have to walk home alone, ever," Ava replied in slight annoyance.

Micca sighed deeply, "You'll get it soon,Ava, you have to be patient."

"I know I know but I'm eager to know, you know?"

"Eager to know what?" Thomas asked as he entered the room the two girls were sitting in.

"To know when I'll get my tattoo and find out who he is." Ava said.

"Well", Thomas paused as he wrapped his one arm around around Micca, "What does it matter if you get the tattoo now or next year? You still have to find who's name is on you permanently. You never know who it'll be, shit for all we know you could end up with a girls name on you." Thomas joked, earning a elbow to the ribs from Micca.

"Not funny." Micca hissed through her teeth.

"Seriously though, what if you don't even like him?"

"I'll live with it. The tattoo appears to show you who your soulmate is, so you don't waste time with the wrong people. I'm sure who's ever name comes up is someone I'll get along with. They don't call it a soulmate for nothing." Ava said as a matter of factly.

"That's true.. I remember when I got mine." Thomas said as he lifted his shirt to show the tattoo of his lover's name on his right rib cage area. 'Micca' in fancy lettering, a perfect font and size. "Y'know some people have said it hurts like a bitch when it first appears, mine was painless."

Micca smiled fondly at his tattoo. "Mine felt.. Itchy to be honest." Shania said as she showed off her soulmate tattoo, 'Thomas' feathered her right wrist perfectly.

Ava smiled at the couple sincerely. "Well I guess all I can do is wait... In the mean time I'll do research on it."

"Good, now you should get going before it gets too dark, I don't need my best friend getting raped and that soulmate doesn't need his future lover getting raped." She was right, the sky was getting darker and the moon was getting brighter by the minute.

"Yeah you're right. Bye guys, I'll see you tomorrow." Ava said as she shrugged her sweater on.

"Bye." The couple said in unison as Ava left through the front door.

Starting her journey home Ava sighed as stress and frustration consumed her. She wanted her soulmate tattoo now but Thomas was right, it didn't matter if she got it that day or two years from now, she still has to find the guy. The curiosity to know who her soulmate is was overwhelming, it caused nothing but stress. It causes loneliness, dating was pointless since there's a one in a billion chance that the person you date has the name that will appear somewhere on your body.

Once she got home she showered quickly then went straight to bed. But not even sleep got rid of the stress. All she did was dream of a man with no face, his features were blurry. Awake or asleep her thoughts seemed to end up wondering about the tattoo.

The next day, Ava spent almost every moment researching about soulmate tattoos.

"Some people don't get them until they're old and wrinkly?!" She read out loud, "How can you even wait that long.."

"No one knows exactly how the soulmate tattoos were started, but not many question it. Which is weird since it's a permanent marking on your body of someone's name. Someone whom you might not even marry, but is the one who is your true soulmate."

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