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Ever since I could remember, my dreams have always been about a boy. He has beautiful brown hair, captivating green eyes, and adorable dimples to go with his handsome smile. He is caring, loyal, funny, very smart, and quite the gentleman. He is everything I could have ever dreamed of. Literally. He was my best friend.

His name is Harry Styles.

Only a handful of dreams I remember from a long time ago. I remember the more recent ones because I started to write them down in my journal. Nobody knows about my dreams except for Amy. Her and I are so inseperable, she is practically my sister. Everyone seems to think so anyways. She and I live in a two bedroom townhouse together ever since we got out of highschool. Rent is chaotic but we make it work. I nanny, and she waitresses.

Harry and I have been on plenty of adventures together during my childhood. As I got older, dreaming of him became less and less, which is why I started to write them down in a notebook. I wasn't sure why, but when I don't dream of him, I don't dream at all.

The last dream I had of him, was about 2 years ago.

I was standing in my parents kitchen waiting for a bag of popcorn to get done. Harry was in the living room picking out a movie for us to watch.

"Hey, Marissa?" Harry calls me from the other room. I walk into the living room and see him sitting on the edge of the couch with his arms on his knees and his head is down.

"What's up? Can't make up your mind?" I laugh because he always has trouble deciding between Love Actually and The Notebook.

He keeps his head down for a minute being completely silent. Then he looks up at me. "Can we talk for a minute?" He looks away from me and then I notice something is wrong. He doesn't look like his joyful self. In fact, it looks like he is about to cry.

I sit down next to him and rest my head on his shoulder. "What's wrong? You look sad." I said then turning to look at him. He still wasn't looking at me. Like it was hard for him to look at me.

"You have to move on." He spoke hoarsely. He was holding back tears.

"W-what do you mean?" I was so confused. Move on from what?

At this point, he closes his eyes as he lets a couple tears run down his face. "We can't be friends anymore." He said, finally turning to look at me. His eyes were blooshot from trying so hard not to cry.

Tears starting to fall down my face this time. "Why not? Did I do something to make you upset? Whatever it is I did- "

Harry cut me off. "This isn't real." His voice raised a little at this. I knew this wasn't real, but why would he care? How does he even know if it is a dream or not? He's just someone I made up as a kid that didn't have many friends growing up. So sort of like an imaginary friend only being able to see him in dreams. So why was he saying it wasn't real?

"What do you mean this isn't real?" At this point, tears were streaming uncontrolably down my face. He looked away from me and sighed.

"I just can't see you anymore. I don't want to see you anymore." He looked at me with anger in his eyes, no longer crying. I was shocked to say the least. We were best friends. I guess you could say I even loved him. By this time, he was headed to the door.

"But Harry, I love you! Please don't leave!" I was begging and looking a fool as I couldn't see past the tears. He stopped walking and turned around. I walked up to him and looked him in the eyes.

"Please. Harry... Don't go. I love you. I need you." I said quietly with my bottom lip trembling. Harry just stood there, looking at me. Then, after what seemed like forever, he cupped my face and kissed me. I was surprised but still stayed there and kissed him back. We held it for a bit, not moving, just holding the kiss, savoring it. Then I realized why he did it. He was saying goodbye.

Finally, he moved away so our faces were only inches apart. "I'm sorry." That was the last thing he said before stepping out of the house.

"NOOOO!" I dropped to my knees and was sobbing as I held my hand out towards him like I was trying to grab on and never let go.

A/N Hey guys!(: I know this is a very short chapter. But it will get longer lol

I hope you enjoyed it though!
Keep reading and comment what you think(:

~Mary Cooper

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