Six Pieces Of Paper (One Direction)

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hello :D This is Grace (A.K.A Spiffz) This is my new fanfiction! The majority of it will be Annaleighs POV, and this was originally co-written before it was decided that it would go more smoothly with just one writer. So i stepped up to the plate! Most likely this whole story will be completely heterosexual, with playful Larry, and Ziam.It will have a lesbian character, and if your uncomfortable with that, I suggest you just leave.

xxxx-Grace *Spiffz*


"I don't get why we're buying these for the brats.." I said, peering out of my peripherals at Karen.

"Shhh! Don't be rude. Sure they get on our nerves..but they do lots for us, Ann. Plus, the creepy factor of these things are amazing!" She looked up at me, curly brown hair bouncing as she did so. A smile spread across her face as she tried to convince me.

"ARRRGGGHH" A loud cry came from the isle next over, and the sound of a tox box hitting something sounded quickly after.

Karen and I's eyes met instantly. We knew. I tuck my straight blonde hair behind my ears, before tugging down my skirt and heading off for the next isle. I snag Karen's shoulder as I walk off and led her with me, to see the mess Brighton has surely made.

I emerge into the doll section. "Awh Bee!" I complain.

Karen is giggling behind her fingers as her brown eyes slide across the mess Brighton made. I resist smiling, trying to stay with the mood I have been in all day; grumpy.

Brighton is scanning the shelves, eyes glowing happily as she shoves dolls and accesories to the floor as she searches the shelves.

She gasps "LEEEYUM!" and grabs a doll, before plopping on the floor, denting a Bratz doll with her butt.

I walk forward, crouching down precariously in my short dress as I gather the fallen things in my arms. "Sorry guys," Brighton says, not even looking at us. "I just needed to get this one for myself."

I roll my eyes. "Its ok, Bee, we have to go elsewhere for the dolls. You ruined.." I count the amounts of dented and ruined packaging on the dolls. "5 of them. So atleast one set."

Brighton turned to me, eyes sparkling. "Another toy shop?"

Karen chimes in hesitantly, "Yes, another store, Bee." Immediately, Brighton is up, dancing around. "YES!"

"Calm down, Bee, you can't ruin anything there..Okay?" I smile, eyes drifting towards her Liam Payne doll. I snap my eyes up, and head for the shelves of undamaged dolls.

I gather two Louis', two Zayn's, two Harry's, and three Liam's. "Ones Mine" I whisper to Karen, who gave me weird look about the third Liam.

We walk down the isles, laughing and chattering among ourselves. I check out quickly, ignoring the cashier's beady eyes on my chest. I sigh.

Brighton's nose is crinkled, and I know she saw the look on his face. "Guys really need to stop doing that. Atleast you know everyone would like you."

"Yeah. However, no one knows me. Like m-e." I spell out the word, biting my lip. "Its all about the body. Or how they think I act, cause I like to party."

The group falls silent as I tuck myself into the passener side of the car. My thoughts wander to all the times I had been used. Ever since I hit puberty, at the age of 12, no one thought of my brains. My beauty inside.

I had yet to meet or know of anyone who didn't treat woman like such. I knew once I did, I would be groveling for their attention like a puppy. All I wanted was someone to love.

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