Not Perfect/Perfect

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Not Perfect
Spy had finally returned to the base it was night and the full moon was out. She shook even with all of her clothing she could still feel the breezes' cool chill run through her. Spy had been sent on another 'special' mission. It made her wonder if these were actually special or if the Administrator was just trying to kill her off. Well they cut her off from respawn and most of these missions were impossible so maybe. But of course she did her job and she did it right. She smirked under her scarf imagining the disappointment on the Administrator's face once he found out she was still alive. She approached the door typing in the door code. 1111 really need to get that changed.

'Everyone should be asleep right now so hopefully I don't get any interruptions.'

She walked into the which was thankfully was pitch black. She made her way to her room guiding herself with the walls she knew so well. She finally made it to her door and grabbed the keys from beneath her foot, unlocking the door, and walking in. Spy sighed, shut the door behind herself (locking it once more), and walked to her desk. She turned on the lamp and illuminated the room just a bit. She placed the files she had been carrying on the desk and let out a loud sigh. She deserved a few days off Mon dieu!

She walked over to her body mirror kicking off her heels on the way there and stood in front of it. She began removing her clothes first starting with her scarf and glasses, gloves, then moving down to her dress, then her blouse... leaving herself in her bra and panties. She stared at herself in absolute disgust. Her body was covered in scars, burn marks, fresh cut wounds, and more. One burn in particular enveloped most of her upper right arm and down her breast. She looked like hell and she hated it. This was her body something that looked picture perfect when covered but now this mangled corpse of a body was disgusting and she wanted it off.

All of this were from previous times she's been captured. The torture was brutal and did things even respawn couldn't fix. Tears marked her eyes but she forced herself to look.

"Zhis is you, you disgusting, clumsy, ugly, whore!" She yelled at herself. Not even caring if someone was listening.

"Zhis is what you 'ave become because of your stupidity!" She started sobbing.

"I 'ate you! Your zhe reason I am zhis grotesque monstur!" She yelled at her reflection.

Her mascara ran down her cheeks as she sobbed. She looked at herself and growled clenching her fist tightly and punch the mirror shattering it. A spider web crack formed in the center of the mirror and blood dripped from Spy's fist. She fell to her knees crying more. Why couldn't she be beautiful like all of her friends back in France? Why was she the ugly one? She tried everything to be pretty. She didn't deserve this! Suddenly she felt a soft and kind hand touch her right shoulder.


Medic hadn't gotten much sleep that night. She sighed leaning over her desk looking at paperwork, hurray! Most of her doves were asleep comfortably in there nests and cages. One though Archimedes stood on her desk and kept her company. She smiled lightly petting his head as he let out soft coos. She looked back at her work and pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. She could do this tomorrow. She stood

"I'm going to get zome water ont go to bed alright Archimedes?"

The dove cooed flapping it's wings.

"Zhat means you need to get to bed."

The bird cooed and flew to it's nest.

Medic sighed, smiled, and walked out of the infirmary. She made her way to the kitchen turning the light on. She got her water she's been working to hard she needed a break. Just then she heard a scream.

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