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It was Tuesday July 28,1979, it started like an ordinary day. But it wasn't. Black smoke covered the sky like a blanket. People yelling for help. Everyone running in all directions. I just stood in the middle of the street watching as everyone went by. I stopped this lady in the middle of road to ask her what's going on and she had fear in her eyes black ash on her face and clothes, she didn't say a word she just pointed up and ran away. As she ran I looked up and all of sudden I saw five Jets in the sky dropping what I think was bombs. As I saw the first bomb about to drop I ran as fast I could. The ground shook and fire spread everywhere. But I just kept running. I got about 7 miles away and ran up a hill. I sat on the top and watched as people were still running and homes of so many people burned down.

The Jets were gone but they made sure they didn't leave one thing untouched. Sat at the top of the hill for hours and hours waiting for the fire to dial down. And I started walking about. Not knowing if the Jets were going to come back or what. As I was walking back all I saw were dead bodies and burned down buildings and homes. I was sick to my stomach and mad at the same time I didn't know why them people did this to us. But I was pissed about it. Never in my life have I ever seen anything like this. I didn't have a home anymore I didn't have no where to go.

I just started heading up north like the rest of the people. And as I walked 10 miles from where the bombing took place I saw a little town. But it looked abandon. I came across a gas station. The front door was busted down, the cashier dead on the floor. The store was cleared someone has already got everything out of it. I went to the back if the store and there was a little room with a radio and a bed and a bathroom I guess that is were the owner stayed. I turned on the radio to see what they had to say about the bombing. They said it was a  terrorist attack and it might happen again the only safe place is up north. I just turned off the radio and started searching the room. I looked in the dresser and the cabinets and I found two guns and clothes, boots ( but all the clothes were army pants and a jacket and some black boots), and some package food and a bottle of water. If ate some food and took a shower. I went to sleep for awhile.

When I got up I got ready and started heading up north. As I was walking I'd came upon a car and the keys were on the front seat. I'd got in and started driving. The car was filled with gas and two miles down the road I noticed a little girl in the back seat. She looked about 9 or 10 years old. Id stopped the car and got out of the car went to the back of the car opened the door and the girl had fear in her eyes. Her heart was beating really fast. "What's ur name sweetie?" I'd asked her. "Its May, what's yours?" I'm Jess. So how old are you May? I'm 9 but my mom says I have a mind of a 25 year old. Oh really that's great. How about you get in the front seat so we get going. She got in the front sear with me, I could still see she was scared. So where your family? Don't know I'm the only kid and my dad left us when I was born and my mom told me to stay here and don't move she would be back but its been two days and she never came back. Oh I'm sorry. I'd told her. So where's your family? She asked me. I don't have a family. I'd lived alone for 2 years now. My mom died when I was 19 and my dad left us too before I was born and I was a only child. After my mom died Id moved out and lived for myself. So your 21 years old? May asked. Yes I'm 21. Oh cool! Said May.

We driver for hours. After 5 hours of driving I'd stopped at this gas station to get gas. And I was pumping the gas there was this guy coming out the store with a gun. If yelled May get down! The guy started shooting and tunning away. When he was gone I noticed I had a gun shoot in the leg and shoulder. May got out the car and looked at me and started crying. Don't cry I will be fine and as I said that I tried to get up but I couldn't. I will go get help. Said May. She left in the car. I didn't know she knew how to drive but I couldn't really do anything about it because I was in so much pain to do anything. My eyes started getting heavy. I couldn't breath good. The last thing I saw was May in front of me asking me something but I couldn't hear anything. I didn't know what happened but I woke up in the hospital with the nurse in front of me she walked out the room yelling for the doctor to come back in I didn't know what was going on. When the doctor came in the room I started asking for May. Where's May? Who's May? The doctor asked. The girl who helped me. I'm sorry but the person who brought you to us was the Sheriff, he saw you were in bad pain and he brought you in. Said the doctor. That's wrong May helped me WHERE IS SHE?!!!?

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