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"Eomma! Eomma!" Four year old Yoongi called out to his mother as he ran to her from the toy section. Tugging her shirt eagerly, Yoongi looked up at his mother with precious puppy dog eyes.

Ms. Min took a quick glance at his son. "Hmm?" she said at the cracks of her lips, yet loud enough to be heard. She was looking through racks of clothes for the perfect outfit for herself at a store, miles away from home in Busan, near the waters.

Yoongi gave a bright smile at the exact moment she glanced at him. He had his other hand behind his back, holding a small toy he had found under the millions of toys. "Eomma! Look! I found Kumamon!" he exclaimed excitedly as he took the toy from behind his back to show his mother.

Yoongi let out a short giggle and bright smile as he held Kumamon with his both hands in the air. Yoongi's mom always sat down next to him on the couch for mother-son time, singing happily and having a great time playing around, every time the show came on so Yoongi thought that his mom would definitely be happy and excited as he was.

Yoongi's mom smiled. "That's good, sweetheart" she said with a short chuckle escaping her lips and went back to looking through the clothes for this special event.

Yoongi was slightly confused. He thought that maybe his mom was in a bad mood. He didn't think that they were shopping for a special event. As a result, Yoongi got a bit nervous and asked stuttering, "C-Can you buy it for me, Eomma? I-I-I can share with you if you get bored!" Yoongi thought that he may lighten up his mom's mood if he offered to share a toy that his mother would definitely love.

Ms. Min chuckled at how adorable her son was. Her body twisted and faced her son. He was precious. She scrunched down to his height, ruffling his hair. "Oh Yoongi, of course I will~!" she giggled. Ms. Min tried to take the toy just to see it better. She held it and smiled at Yoongi. Yoongi smiled back and eyed the toy carefully, curious what his mother was planning on using it for. His mom raised her eyebrow and placed the toy in front of her, still holding it, but now facing her son. "Do you think Kokomong and Kumamon would get along?"

Yoongi nodded excitedly up and down. "O-of course they will! They'll be the best of friends!" he said with full conviction, raising his fist up in the air.

Yoongi's mom ruffled his hair once again, chuckling and looked at his son with loving eyes.

"Let me finish getting some clothes then we go buy it, ok?" she said.

Yoongi nodded, "Ok Eomma."

Yoongi smiled and skipped playfully to the toy section once again. Ms. Min smiled and giggled as she watched him. "Aigoo, so hyper" she said shaking her head and going back to shopping.

Even though the child was surrounded by many, many toys to entertain him, he was only focused on Kumamon. He sat on the floor and played with him singing the theme song. "Mon-Monika~ Mon-Monika~ " he sang happily, not moving his eyes from Kumamon.

His focus was then moved. A black shadow passed through the corner of his peripheral vision. Yoongi looked up quickly and scan the location. The mysterious black shadow passed again but on opposite sides of his peripheral vision. Yoongi's head swayed to its direction. This happened about three times. He yelped, "Hey!" still in search for the mysterious shadow. Yoongi was curious, yet scared at the same time and kept a watchful eye, holding Kumamon tightly on his hand. "K-Kumamon will protect me" he thought to himself shaking.

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