The Great Wall of China Still Stands

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It has been the longest 20 years of my life, but I am glad that I can be one of the first people to see the Great Wall of China complete. It is so tall and big it could probably be seen from space. As I stand here next to the wall I look up. As I look up I can only see the sky. It was sunset, the beautiful orange colour stood out in the bright green trees. I couldn't believe it is finally finished. All in China are going to celebrate the finishing of the wall. The other workers and I have to stay tonight as the darkness of night is slowly creeping towards us.

I am slowly walking back to the group of workers that are sitting next to the fire. I hear a loud bang. It was so loud I hear a ringing in my ear. What was it, was it a ball of fire flying through the sky? Surely it can't be. No one would dear come near China with this wall; there is no way they would win a war. I can hear yelling in the distance. As the sound of yelling gets closer the ground starts to rumble. I realize there are attackers approaching. We have to alert the army.

"Sam alert the army, THEY ARE COMING," he said in rough Chinese. The army was alerted and in the next minute, they were here and ready to fight. All people around went to hide in the trees and bushes. I didn't do this I just kept running and running trying to get away from the loud screams of death. Another loud 'BANG' went off. It shook the whole ground. I fell over but got back up and kept running. Another 'BANG' goes off. This time I went flying forward and it all went black.

I wake up to the sound of screams. On the crisp ground floor, I saw blood standing out red and clear amongst the ashes of burnt trees and grass. I see lifeless bodies hung in trees some on floors. The bodies have been stripped of all their clothes and belongings. This horrific sight made me cry. A tear slide down my face with every inch it went it burnt my face, but this pain did not seem to bother me the thing that bothered was that I have a surge of pain that keeps running through my body. As I slowly wake I feel a deeper pain then the burning on my face. It's coming from my stomach I look down, I see that I had also been stripped of my clothes, but it wasn't my cloth less body I was staring at it was the cold bloody sword that stuck out of my stomach. I try to scream for help, but no words come out. I hear cheers, but also people weeping of sorrow. The war was over we had one. I did not want to die, but knowing that my family and country was safe I felt happy and would rather die winning then die losing. As I looked around the blackened forest I see the Great Wall of China still standing. The Wall is the last thing I would see and I am happy about that.   

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