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You live in a world where everything is happy.

Your family is happy. Your friends are happy. Your fucking cat is happy.

You're happy. But wait, are you really?

You start the day off by waking up. 8:30 AM, shit. You're late again.

You run to the bus, you miss it. You're waiting for the next bus when it starts to rain.

Hey, atleast things are good, you know? You got a nice grade last week and everyone is happy so you should be happy too.

You're still annoyed about the fact that you're really late. Hey, it happens, yeah?

Just then your phone died. Now you dont have music to disract you from the rain.

You started getting cold, just your luck, you didnt bring a sweater.

The bus finally came. You get in, its a bit warmer, thats nice, right?

No. You forgot your bus card at home. They kick you out.

The bus drives away and you just stand there, thinking about the test that you're suppost to have right now. Fuck. They're going to fail you.

You start speed running to school, but hey, remember not to trip on that rock. Oh. Too late.

Great, now you're on the floor, soaked, wet, your foot hurts and you missed first class.

Maybe you'll get in time for second period.

You get up, but no running for you, your foot still hurts.

You walk to school, you start sneezing. Great, now you have a cold.

You get to school, you're soaked, you cant go in like that.

But just then the bitch that pushed you against the lockers the other day comes out of the classroom and looks at you. No, she's not looking at you, she's pretty much laughing at you.

Now you're just literally done. The teacher comes out and starts yelling at you for being late and coming to school soaking wet like that.

The class are all laughing and you just want to fucking die right at that moment.

You get up, ignore the teachers screams and go home. It cant get worse. Can it?

Now you have to go all the way back. But hey, the rain stopped.

You get home, and your mom is reading a book in the kitchen. She looks up at you and asks why you're not in school. You tell her you had a fucked up morning and you just want to sleep.

She yells, angry at you for skipping school. You're annoyed. Cant she see you're soaking?

You go up to your room. Maybe being on you laptop for a few would calm you down.

But then the power goes down. Just your motherfucking luck.

You're done. With everything. Everything goes wrong for you, and look at all of them.


How is this happy. How is all this the perfect world they all say it is.

You start thinking. What is all this. Why is this happening to me. Why cant I be happy.

So you get up, take your dads gun he uses for protection and put it up to your head.

But on that exact moment that you hold the trigger, press it, and collaps on the floor, dead,

someone woke up.

They looked at the clock. Its 8:30 AM.

Shit. They're late again.

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