Chapter 2

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The meanie Twolegs stuffed Catty in the trunk. Catty couldn't breathe, but eventually survived the trip which was three hours long.
After they arrived at the zoo, the Twolegs stuffed Catty into a cage because they didn't trust Catty to scratch up the car while they were gone. They threw the cage in the backseat(ouch, Catty thought) and went off to the zoo gift shop without seeing the animals.
Inside the car, Catty silently cursed the Twoleg kit to be eaten by a boa constructor or something(cats don't know what boa whatevers are, but the author is to lazy to change it).
0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds later, the Twoleg family came back screaming with a boa constructor chasing after them. The boa constructor opened his jaw, swallowed up the Twolegs, Catty escaped his cage, and lived happily ever after. The End

Nah, just kidding.

Catty opened the cage with his claw cuz cats can totally do that(At least that's what we think) and mega punched the window. The window crashed and Catty escaped. (Come to think of it, why did Catty want to escape that bad that he crashed the window and risked getting punished?)
Catty jumped down and saw the enormous monsters. Even if he always saw them, he was still scared of them for some reason. Before he took a step, he heard hissing. He looked back and yelped at the cat and ran away, even if he was a cat, too.
He went back in the car and magically fixed the windows and went in the cage and locked himself because cats and totally do thatuuuuuuuuuuuyuyyyyyyyytyuyyyyyygyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttthhhhggtyuuyygghhuyyyyyyyyyyyuyghytuuyguyguuuhuhiuhiuhuigiuhyhttguiyyuyugyuyyguguyytuyguuyygytygyhuhuyytyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyygytguygutrfyuyrgguyfuyguyfuygfrftugyguyuyguyguygytguygutfuygguygtttguuyguttuuyhuihtguyftuygruyyffttytytytyyyyygtyyyyttutfyttttrrrrrtttttttttufyghttytfuytuyguuyuyhhyyyyyytttttuyhugyuguyguyguyguytyugufgytyhjhuyguhttftryhihyyhuuuytyguhyghhuhytguytgyguhtyftyyyhuhuhuhuhugygyyttygyhuhhugyyyyyyyytttuuughhttyyghhyggutttgrryffyutgytgyyrytfyuuuyyghuuyyfuyyuuu
Sorry I fell asleep.
Where were we?
The twoleg family came back with 1037489053 presents.
"I picked exactly three presents!!" Said the boy proudly.
" yes you did, dear" said the mother.
The son punched the window and said, " look at what the cat did, daddy!!" Even if he knew that he did it. " he ruined my birthday!!!!!!!" He wailed.
The father glared at Catty.
Uh Oh Catty thought and cursed silently because cats can totally do that too.
The author magically teleports back to the twolegs house. The twoleg dad threw Catty into his cupboard and locked the door. "You're grounded for 2048575929 days!" The twoleg hissed.
Dang it, Catty thought Catty.

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