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I was in the study with my big sister Evangeline reading a book ,well more like she was reading and I was listening to her.We were having tones of fun enjoying each others company but it didn't last much longer.Mother yelled out her name , signalling her to go down stairs.

She kissed my forehead and went down stairs , leaving me all alone but I didn't mind it much.I liked being alone at times.I took the book we were reading and looked at the cover.There was a man and a woman holding each other closely and were gazing into each others eyes.

He looked at her the same way father looks at pizza each time the delivery man drops it off.

One day mama was too tired to make dinner and Father suggested we order pizza. He was starving and since he is a lyncan ,he could smell the pizza all the way from up stairs in the family room due to his strong sense of smell.He went downstairs and tackled the pizza delivery man before he had the chance to ring the door bell .He pried the pizza from his hands and went to eat it in the kitchen.

I still laugh at the memory of that day.

The man in the cover of the book looked at her the same way father looks at mother each and everyday with the same sparkle in their eyes.The way mothers eyes light up each time father walks in.

A gigantic smile,the size of mount Rushmore plasters on her face and it's like her whole world brightens up.They hold each other and don't say a word but just smile.They seem content and happy and....in love.

Evangeline said,''Love is something shared between two people who really like each other whole heartedly.When you love someone no-one else matters to you.You give your heart to them.When you fall in love with someone it's not going to be smooth sailing .Like Romeo and Juliet wasn't.But if you really love them you will go to great lengths to keep them safe,care for them,make them happy and undivotedly love them no matter what always be there for them through the good and bad times."

      I sat up and closed the book putting it on the dresser next to me.I got up and looked around.I've always loved this room.I look at the pictures.There were pictures of me ,mama,papa,Evangeline and Kay.

We are all so happy in those pictures.

I walked out the room and walked down the hall trailing my tiny fingers on the wall.The hallway was dark, illuminated by the light from the big window by the staircase.

I went down the stairs step by step being careful watching my every step.Mama said I should be careful after I fell down last time running around naked in the pack house when she gave me a bath.

I didn't want to wear my clothes after the bath she gave me cause it was too hot.I remember the looks I got from the pack members.They laughed at my silliness .Some tried to help mama catch me but I was to quick for them.I stept on a toy one of the kids left out and I fell down the stairs twisting my ankle in the process and mama was scared .She was so worried about me to the point she cried seeing me in pain.

         She saw me at the bottom of the stairs and  she rushed over to me and took me straight to the pack doctor and had me checked .After she dressed me ,her wolf took over and was by my side till I healed up.I liked the attention since mama is always busy and we barely had time to be together.

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