Prologue- Dream

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     I rest my head against the door frame, listening to the other side in hopes of hearing a voice, to find out what happened. At first I hear nothing but the crackling of the fire around me, taking away the last of what remains. 'It's their fault'  Startled I turned around, but I saw no one, and no disturbance to indicate someone was ever there. 'Run! Don't worry mommy will catch up to you, just run as far as you can' It couldn't be their voices....could it? 'Leave us alone! What have we done to deserve this!?' The voices continued to get louder and louder, 'Why must we be killed for their sins?' And louder until I couldn't hear my own breathing or thoughts, louder and louder, I covered my ears hoping to block them out, and then they stopped. Surprised I uncovered my ears and looked around, and what I saw, I could never forget.

People were dying, being killed by the army. Men, women, children dragged out of their homes and slaughtered in droves, before their houses where pillaged, valuables taken, before they set the houses ablaze. The screams, the screams where horrible, it was all I could hear, screaming and yelling, I tried to stop a guard from killing a young girl, to push him away but instead I went right through him, as though he never existed, and when I stumbled to my feet, in front of me I saw Aunt Lindsey, dead, drenched in blood.

I woke up with a start, and fell out of my bed, drenched in a cold sweat. Picking myself up I looked out the window and to my joy saw the small lights of the town in the distance, no fire or anything to say anything had happened. I carefully walked across the room and looked at my brother, still fast asleep. "Just.....just a dream" But as I crawled back into bed I couldn't shake the feeling that that was more than a dream, that night I got no more sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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