Suicide Note

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"I know I'm a burden, since I appeared inside my mom, I know I am. There's no convincing me I have a purpose. I don't believe in it. My existence here is a mistake. I'm a mistake. If I just end with myself already, I know everyone will be fine with it. Hell, even better than when I was around. You are all better off without me.

But before I leave this place, I want to tell you all how much you meant to me.

To my best friend, who I love and care with all my heart. She who in my most difficult times was with me. She who gave me advices. She who was always down for anything, stupid or not, she was there. She who I shared hopes and dreams. She who actually took the time to know me and stayed even after all I've done. She, my diary.
I love you. I love the fuck out of you. I love you so much not even words can describe it. You are the most wonderful and amazing person I have ever met in my life. Don't ever change.

To my best guy friends. You two crazy motherfuckers are the best. You guys too were there when I needed help. You both cheered me up in any way possible. Even though you both did and still do stupid shit, I take you both in my heart forever.

To my mom. You never understood me. And I get that. But you never tried to understand me. You only pushed me away. Never asked how I felt. You only scolded at me saying to stop the act. But my depression was no act. Through the years it has consumed me and it finally made me break. I know you won't mind me being gone. You'll only have one less thing to worry about. But sometimes, you were good, and I appreciated that. But that wasn't enough to save me.

To my brother. I hate you. You dont know how much I hate you. I always did things for you to accept me but you never seems to notice or care. For you I was always useless. You always found a way to make my self esteem go to hell. And congratulations, you will get your wish granted. I won't exist anymore. So yeah, good for you.

To my other family members. You never understood me either. Always judging me for who I was. Some of you were real, some of you fake. But were never happy about me.

Finally, for that special person in my life.

To my boyfriend. You who never let me down. You my loving bully. You my pillow. You my comfort. You my encyclopedia. Thank you. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for the kisses. Thank you for the hugs. Thank you for the 'I love you's. Thank you for making me happy when everything seemed like hell. Thank you for all the gifts you gave me. Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for tolerating me, because seriously, that was tough. Thank you for being yourself. Even if I had past relationships, you will always, ALWAYS, be the first one in my book. Thank you for everything, love.

There are many other things I would like to say, but I end it here.

I know I'm doing the right thing. Please don't be sad. I will be fine once I'm gone. And you all will be too.


As she finished writing her last words, she gave a sigh. She looked around her room as tears rolled down her face. She then looked to her ceiling fan. There hanged a rope. The girl dragged a stool she had stored in the corner of her room, and climbed on it. She grabbed the rope and made a noose, then placing it around her neck tightly.

The girl sobbed.

'This is for the best', she thought.

She looked back to her desk, back to the letter she left behind. She gave one last sigh.

"Goodbye" she whispered softly.

The last thing she ever heard was the sound of the stool falling over.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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