For a long time, I have been debating whether or not to write about you. I finally came to the conclusion that you deserve to hear this...

You have flowers in the place of your eyes. Your hair is a mass of interwoven vines tumbling down your back. Constantly smiling, you glow like a thousand suns. A healer at heart, all you want is to fix those who are broken and defend those who cannot defend themselves. Your smile illuminates the sky, covering everything in a warm embrace. Your skin renewed with every slumber, ready to pave new trails when you awake. Your presence in a room gives me anxiety, but not the kind that makes my hands tremble or my breathing shallow. It's the kind that makes me happy and gives me butterflies in my stomach. Who would have thought anxiety could be a good thing? Your eyes have burned holes into my skin, but not in a way that makes me afraid of you. The softness of your voice gives me chills, but the kind that make me feel safe around you. You've surrounded yourself with concrete walls, and it makes me wonder, who hurt you so much to make you feel like you deserve to fight demons alone? You deserve someone who will fight alongside you, even when you're tired of fighting. I look up to you and I wish I could say that I'm more like you. You have made me feel every emotion there is and continue to do so. I want you to continue to be a part of my life, so please don't give up on me because I'm not giving up on you.

But even with all the promises, you gave up on me and now we're complete strangers. You broke me, but I don't blame you. Love is funny that way.

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