What Mother Always Wanted

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I twisted and pulled as she tugged me along. Attempting to ask for help was doing nothing, as my voice seemed to have disappeared. I couldn't scream or yell, all I could do was move my body. Even that was difficult as my hands were tied up, along with my feet. My waist moved around and I swung my legs at the woman's head. A small shriek of pain escaped her lips and she tightened her grip on me. 

I was lifted and thrown onto a boat. A blindfold was placed over my eyes, and for what felt like hours all I could smell was sea water. When the blindfold was finally removed, all I could see for miles was the sea. I was standing on an island with almost no trees and one large building. The building was stone and covered in moss and vines. It looked a little weathered, but still in good shape. The ties around my ankles and thighs were removed so that I could walk to the building. I knew better than to run because there were many guards armed with bows along the pathway. I could see no other people except for them, and it honestly terrified me. 

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I entered the building. The floors and almost everything else is white marble, and I can hear gentle chatter coming from the room to our right. Screams erupt with laughter following quickly in suit. The lights flash and suddenly I am alone. The woman who brought me here is no longer by my side, nor are any of the guards. I take a step forward and notice that my hands are no longer tied. I flex my fingers and continue walking forward. 

With just a snap of my fingers, the doors fly open and I enter the main foyer. I snap my fingers once more and my outfit is transformed. Before I was wearing sweat pants, a crop top and sneakers, and I am now in a little red dress, my hair is up nicely and I am wearing black heels. I continue forward and hear the laughter of many young children. 

"Welcome," a woman says. "To the Academy of Hope. Here you will learn how to properly use your powers and help as many as you can."

"Learn?" I laugh. "My mother has been teaching me how to use my powers since I could use them."

"Well, can you obstruct this?" she asks.

It looks as though she is going to blast me with something, but as I raise my hand to stop her, she shoots fireballs at the young children. I can't deflect that she's doing, and before I know that many of the children are dead. She sends for the ones who can perform resurgence.

Four women quickly run into the room, but as they do I send lightning at them. I make sure to use enough power to kill them, to make them be unable to revive themselves. I send their body parts flying and blood splatters all over the wall. The blood covers my face and I snap my fingers to clean myself up. I laugh as an attempt to save people is made. I spread my arms wide and send everyone flying. Several snaps their necks on the walls as they hit, and I can feel my power growing.

"Should've asked me who my mother was," I say. "She was the one this place betrayed, the one who is out for revenge and when she died, this became my job. I got caught on purpose so that I could come here and get revenge. I'm smart enough to not get caught, but I'm also smart enough to ruin your entire existence."

I smile at the woman who brought me here, who has rushed the guards in. She has fear in her eyes and tears on her red face. There is blood covering her and I can tell that she just wants to go home, to get away from here. I take a step forward, my heels clicking on the blood covered marble floor. 

"This is my house now," I whisper. "This is my school now."

I use my magic to slowly draw out her insides, her screaming filling the foyer. The children who are still alive have run off to hide, and I honestly don't blame them, I would run too. But this is what my mother wanted, for me to rule the Academy of Hope, for me to rule everything. I snap the neck of the headmistress and snap my fingers to clean up my mess. This place is clean once again.

I sit down on the desk and wait for my mother to arrive.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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