Once Upon a Dynasty

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HIIII! So, I am not new to the writing community, in fact I've published quite a few stories on my Wattpad account (link in my bio). This story of my favorite two lovebirds was inspired from Dynasty by MIIA.


you may now proceed ;)


Yuki was very much in the mood to murder his dear ol' editor, who warned him a little too late about the shortening of his novel's deadline. Of course it also didn't help that his pink haired baka* of a lover will be home very soon and Yuki was 100% not in the mood to be glomped by his all too cheerful Shuichi.

yes, he just said his Shuichi; Yuki had accepted the fact that he did indeed feel a something for the Pinkette, but he sure as hell wasn't gonna tell him that any time soon.

The blonde glanced at the clock and sighed sadly at the fact that it was 5 pm, the usual time his lover would be home by then. As he had assumed, Yuki soon heard the sound of the door to open and awaited Shuichi typical scream of "Tadaima* Yukiiii!"...but never heard it. Wait what? Yuki glanced at the clock yet again, double checking that it was indeed the time for the brat to be home.

Yuki got up and walked to the hallway to see if it was actually Shuichi or just some moronic burglar. It was, surprisingly enough, Shuichi. "brat, you okay? my ears don't seem to be bleeding from your screeching today" The author joked in an attempt to cover up that he was actually worried.

Finally, Shuichi looked up to his boyfriend and silently greeted him with a quiet "Tadaima..." as he brushed past Yuki. past him. Usually the brat would glomp him the moment he sees him, what was different this time? Something probably happened at the studio during his practice sessions or something, Yuki's brain rhetorically supplied.

Yuki wrote it off as one of Shuichi's typical melodramatic moods and walked back to his office, sure that the brat will come bursting in soon.

3 hours passed, nothing happened.


As soon as Shuichi read his calendar that morning, he knew the day would go horribly wrong. He knew how pathetically he behaved on this day every year, and Hiro made it his duty to keep things as casual as possible whenever the day came.

Shuichi had come home depressed, sad, and in pain. Not physically, but emotionally. As soon as Shuichi made it to the master bedroom, he took out his usual lyric notebook and wrote down his feelings. If he was gonna act deep, he might as well take the chance.


The word physically hurt to read. Why did memories of him flood his brain every time he heard or read that word?

"if we could start an entire dynasty together, would you agree?"

Shuichi shook his head in an effort to keep those memories at bay. He would have to stop by Hiro's place for the usual material of the day.

"ne ne, Shu-chan!" A boy that bore raven black hair and Jade green eyes poked the Pinkette that was busy singing to his favorite band of all time, Nittle Grasper.

The purple eyed teenager turned to his companion, eyes filled with adoration as he glanced at him. "hai*, Hoshi*?" Shuichi asked the male known as Hoshi. "I've been wondering about this for a while but...if we could start an entire dynasty together, would you agree?" Hoshi's eyes shimmered in unhidden mirth as he gazed at the pinkette.

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