Chapter 1: The Birthday

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Chapter 1: The Birthday

About two months have passed since Stefan and Serena gave themselves over to Klaus for him to do whatever to them, Samathea lays in her bed, hair tied back into a bun, black tank-top, along with booty short, she then sits up and sighs. She then pushes her covers off herself and sat up, then makes her way out of her room and peeks into Elena, she cried herself to sleep again, Samathea looks at her as Elena just laid there in her bed, staring up at the ceiling, "Do you need something, Sammy?" Elena asks her, looking over at her.

"Wondering how you're doing." Samathea tells her, Elena shrugs, "I'm still breathing." she answers her. She nods, "I'll leave you alone then." Samathea tells her, then went to close the door. "Hey, Sam." Elena calls out, Samathea stops and looks at her, "Yeah, Elena." she asks her, then Elena sat up, "Thank you, for worrying about me." she tells her, she nods at her, "You're my sister, Elena. It's my job to worry about you." Samathea tells her, Elena nods at her. "I'll be down in a few, ok." Elena tells her, she nods at her, "Ok." she said softly, then Elena falls back onto her bed.

Samathea sighs and then quietly closes the door, she then walks over and enters Jeremy's room, finding him fast asleep she sighs and then walks over and pulls his curtains open, he groans awake, "Oh, early, bad." Jeremy groans, then Samathea turns and walks over to him, "It's not early, you're late for work, Matt just called." Samathea tells him, pulling off his covers and Jeremy checks his phone. "Well, maybe they'll fire me." he states, Samathea smirks, "Hit them high," she said and walks out of his room, then downstairs, but then her phone goes off. She pulls it out and answers it.

"Hey Care, what are you doing?" Samathea asks her, "Just shopping for the party you and Elena are trying to bail out on." she tells her, "I nor Elena ever said yes in the first place." Samathea tells her as she reaches the bottom, "You were never going to, which is why I plan it in the first place and my mum wants you to call her." Caroline tells her and Samathea stops in the hall, "Did she find something?" Samathea asks her, "An animal attack in Manifest, it's the third one this week in Tennessee." Caroline informs her, then Samathea walks into the kitchen finding Alaric was struggling with the coffee maker.

"You sure it's a vampire?" Samathea asks her as Alaric looks at her and Elena walks down the stairs, "Yes, but that doesn't mean it's Klaus." Caroline informs her, Samathea scoffs, "Doesn't mean it's not." she states, then walks over to Alaric, he moves away from the coffee maker and presses the button, "Call her." Samathea tells her, "I'll call her on her cell." Caroline states, "Tell her to thank you for help." Samathea said to her, "Well alright, I'll see you in a bit." she said to Samathea. "Oh, Caroline, wait, just... keep tonight small, please." Samathea asks her, "Wear something pretty." Caroline tells her and hung up.

Samathea went to say something else, but Caroline hung up on her, she sighs and hung up as well, "She's not going to keep it small, is she?" Elena asks, Samathea shook her head, "Nope, oh and she said to wear something pretty." Samathea tells her and Elena nods her head, "Was that uh... Stefan news?" Alaric asks her as he remakes his couch bed, Elena then reaches into the cupboard and pulls out three cups. "Could be more Klaus victims," Samathea answers her. "Are you sure Stefan and Serena are still with him?" he asks her.

Elena then pours the coffee into the cups as it was done, "The other alternative, is that he's dead." Elena tells him, and the two look at her and Elena hands Samathea two cups of coffee, then Samathea looks over at him, "Are you sure you're okay with the couch?" she asks him and he nods his head at her. "Yeah, yeah I'm good." he tells her and she walks over to him, "You've spent half the summer on it. If you need your own bedroom..." Samathea tells him. "Sleep in your dead parents or my dead... girlfriend's room..." he starts. She sighs and hands him the coffee, "Right, got it." she states and he takes the coffee.

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