The Office.

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Hannah's pov


I already knew what was coming. I haven't had a story in weeks and I was sure to get fired.

I watched as Mr. Rose made his way towards my small cubicle. Mr. Rose started talking but I couldn't concentrate. I was lost in all his sexiness. He was tall, tanned,with a great body and soft, silky, brown hair.

Oh and his eyes,

His bright blue eyes, that you could just get lost in.

"Hannah?, Hannah, snap out of it!"

I jolted upright , to find my future ex boss staring at me weirdly. He had his signature smirk plastered on his face.

"Like I was saying, I'm giving you a promotion." , He said cockily.

A wide grin made its way to my face as I watched his smirk grow bigger.

"Really? but, but, why?", I stuttered utterly surprised.

I watched as he stared down at his feet. "well um *cough* our last co editor just *cough* um passed and your our next best writer."

"You mean Mr. Parker ? The one I just saw walking down the street?" I asked suspiciously.

"um, well.."

I decided to cut him some slack and just smiled wider and nodded my head.

"Of course I'll take the job" I said with a happy smile.

"Now go home and be ready for tomorrow"

I gratefully smiled and watched him walk away back to his office. I grabbed my things, ready to get home.






When I walked into the living room of our condo, I was instantly hit with the aroma of steak.

"Babe, I'm home!"

I watched my boyfriend turn the corner into the living room.

He was tall ,lean with blonde hair and brown eyes. I usually don't go for the blondes but he was sweet and sexy. 'Not as sexy as Mr. Rose.'

"Hey babe how was work?" Micheal asked with a smile.

We sat on the couch and I told him all that happened today and he sat there and listened to everything I said, smiling and nodding his head along.

beep. beep. beep

The timer to the oven went off and Micheal rushed to get to the now overcooked food.

He sighed in disappointment "Babe I'm sorry I just wanted to make you a nice dinner and celebrate your promotion."

"Micheal its OK we can just order take out."

"you sure?"

"Yes, now get your sexy butt over there and call in some Chinese!"

He smiled knowingly and looked at me with so much love. He moved closer to me and pulled me into his arms. I laid my head on his shoulders as he stroked my hair.

"I love you Hannah" He whispered into my hair.

"I love you to Micheal."

I gave him my pinkie and he latched on with his.

"Forever and always?" He said with a grin.

"Forever and always" I smiled back.

. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Kiara-Hi guys this is my best friend and I first book so bare? Leave some constructive criticism please? Thnx!

Sinidria- Hi i'm very excited that we're writing this we'll try to update a new chapter every week so just stick with us and we hope you enjoy.

~We have to experience the bad times to appreciate the good ones~

Love, S&K

-Comments will make the updates go faster.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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