Touch / If love is the answer You're home

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English it's not my first language so be gentle if anybody wants to help me with grammar, comment me and I'll be glad to take your pieces of advice.
If you love Tyrelliot join us :  

Touch, I remember touch
Touch, I remember touch
Where do I belong?

What is it? Who? Robot can tell the exact moment that he was born in which he became independent as a different entity, strange to its source, nevertheless, it was part of him, of Elliot, he existed to protect him and to help him achieve what he wanted and he did not dare to achieve. 

But that does not answer the question, it's not as if he really cared, he did not have the same urgency to fit into a label or avoid loneliness like his counterpart so much insisted on achieving, a way out of loneliness,he didn't care at all, the only thing that mattered was the objective, to destroy ECorp, to start a new world from the ashes.

Hello, Tyrell Wellick. I'm Vice President of Technology.

Those were his first words,Robot almost laughed to hear it, the flirtation and the use of terms that only two techies would know in order to extend a bridge to his objective because that was Elliot for the Swedish, his target. Although the hacker had hardly noticed the smile and the brightness of the eyes that the other man showed him.

Robot noticed it, in fact, he mentally took note of it.
Tyrell Wellick, vice president of Technology, he could be useful also he is hot as hell. Yes, Robot noticed how attractive the executive is, he has eyes and damn it! he is human too. 

Is he?

He was already getting it. Elliot had accepted his invitation collaborating with him. Both working together as they meant to be.After all, that was the reason he existed at all.

Easy come, easy go or at least that's what he lets Elliot believe, he already had an ace up his sleeve for the boy to return to the team, there is nothing he could not handle, he was going to rest or that was what he had planned when Tyrell Wellick's men ... yes, again that name, he was popping up around him a lot.

I need something more
I remember touch
I need something more in my life

If he'd ever believed that the Swede might be useful, Now he is sure of it, after all, someone was needed from within to corrupt a whole system, a Trojan horse, and better if it was from the high spheres. Elliot wouldn't understand, the poor boy was so afraid to relate to other people that to ask him to play with the executive would be like asking a baby to run when he did not even crawl, he had to do it himself.

The opportunity came a few days after the hacker fell directly into the trap of the executive. Rather than a pretty faceRobot would have commented if he could appear when he wanted to Elliot.

It had occurred to Tyrell that it would be a good idea to go through his flat as if he were passing by his neighbourhood, quite casual, not a stalker at all. Of course, Mr.Robot received him as he deserved with the smoke of his cigar filling his face and confident expression that intrigued the executive.

I won't tell you that it didn't end as Tyrell expected, what I'll tell you is that he seemed quite satisfied with the outcome of his casual visit to the hacker, even when they had barely shared a few sentences.

Robot had the executive eating out of his hand, he was so docile once he thought he could get what he wanted, almost even tender. It's like seeing a spoiled child having the toy he always wanted. The hacker can't wait to break his illusion when everything is over.

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