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The rich, sassy, smart-mouthed, cheeky, breathtaking Mexican beauty of Octavian Country could capture the heart of a cold hearted, criminal, womanizer, demon, billionaire, MAFIA KING of England.

"Miss Rivera can I speak to you for  a moment?" he glanced at my direction wearing his signature devil smirk. I gulp and stand up bravely walking towards his desk "y-yes sir?" I couldn't catch my breath for heaven sake what's got into me.

He stared at me with those glinting hazelnut eyes that's been twinkling with pure lust, I never thought that i've been melting by his stare that made my feminine wet Oh god Alicia! where in the potatoes have you learned that?!. 

"outside. I want to talk to you more privately" he whispered seductively 'this is not good'  I thought. He stand up from his chair ordering me to follow him 


Once he closed the door all I know hell is about to break.. he pushed me roughly on the wall wrapping his arms around my waist tightly spreading shivers on my spine, I breath heavly he stared at me like i'm the latest meal for the were wolfs. 

"all I know you wearing that dress makes my manhood even rougher" he whispered seductively and started kissing my neck biting my lip to prevent from moaning "if you won't stop wearing this kind of dresses, I don't mind breaking the rules as long as your mine" he kissed my collarbone "my sweet innocent Alicia" he stared at me cupping my cheek "no one is going to touch you, no one is going to kiss you and no one is going to dare to claim you.. cause your mine and only MINE" then he crash his lips into mine tasting the sweet, tangy, minty luscious lips i've been craving for so long.

"I don't like sharing the most precious posseession I have Miss Rivera"

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