The Trailside killer

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I sat in the large court room ready to testify what I new on the gruesome murder I investigated. Years ago when I was fresh to the homicide division I was called in to yet another bloodied scene ,down Ragland road in Washington, where a man was accused of beating his wife to death in front of his children.

This man was setting feet away from me today. I will never forget how many blows she took to the head, this woman was my sister, those kids were my nieces, and that mans name is John Riley. He killed my beautiful,

kind, smart sister Taylor Sterling. I was suddenly snapped back to reality when one of my best friends Jordan Richards, one of the top ranking DAs in the city of Bellevue, asked me a question.

"Sergeant Nicole Sterling, could you please identify who you saw bludgeon Taylor Sterling to death for the jury."

"Yes of course the SOB is no other than John Riley and he's setting right there." I said a little rudely

"Objection! your honor will you please tell counsel to control there witness."

"Sustained careful Ms. Richards don't test me."

" Yes of course your honor,"Jordan said grinning.

" Sergeant can you please tell us what the identified murder weapon is, for the jurors."

"Of course it was identified by forensics as a 2 inch lead pipe."

"Thank you Ms. Sterling, that's all I have for this witness your honor." Jordan gave me a reassuring grin as if to say we'll nail this guy Nicole.

"I have no questions for this witness your honor",The defense responded carelessly.

"You may leave the stands now sergeant."

"Thank you, your honor." I stepped down from the bench my heels clinking on the tile, as I walked out of the courthouse and drove my way home the tears started to come.



I fumbled for my keys to my tiny apartment in the suburbs of town. My dog Charlie a white lab greeted me at my door. "Hey girl you ready for a walk" she responded with a howl". I dressed in a loose tank top and short nike shorts. with Charlie roped to my wrist I jogged down the block and back keeping a steady pace. When I arrived home there was a message on my answering machine. Multi tasking I played the message and started to heat up left over pizza.

"Hey Nic it's Chris I need you to meet me at the Marymoor park at seven it's urgent"! Chris Schere has been my boyfriend for about a year and my fiancé for a month. I took a quick shower put on a black dress with my favorite black wedges. I headed out the door in a flash eager to here what the love of my life wanted to tell me.

When I reached the lush green wood I saw CIA agent Chris my Chris setting on a blue park bench. He was wearing is black suit with white tie and shirt, his tangled hair blew in the wind framing his handsome face perfectly.

"Nicole" He yelled!

"Chris" I shouted in return.

We in braced then I looked into his gorgeous hazel eyes, and as if we planned it we kissed so in love so full of wonderful energy are lips fit perfectly together we fit perfectly together.

Then, we parted "I love you" I panted.

"I love you too" he replied.

"What is it you needed to tell me so soon" I asked.

"The man there convicting of your sisters murder.....he escaped from prison this morning".



My eyes swelled with fear as I repeated his words back in my head over and over again. I felt fear for my family and everybody I loved. this man could kill them or anyone I was close to, so he could get his final revenge.

"How did he escape he was supposed to be in the most high protected security prison in the state. what the hell happened Chris, what happened"? The tears slipped down my face as the fear overwhelmed me.

My love held me by my shoulders keeping me steady so I wouldn't topple over with grief.

"Nicole he won't be able to get to you".

"No it's not that Chris it''s.....".

"It's what Nicole!"

"I don't want him to hurt you or anyone he can get to".

"Nicole I promise you he will not be able to get to me. If it makes you feel better I can stay with you".

"Oh Chris thank you please please stay with me".

"Nicole were engaged I will practically do any thing for you".

I hugged him so hard I think he almost burst.

We kissed one last time before we strolled back to our cars hand in hand.



When I was home I felt so paranoid I just to feel a little safer.

My precious dog whined at my feet" it's okay Charlie everything will be all right". I said reassuringly

That's when I heard a knock on my door. I reached for my gun in my shoulder holster. "who is it" I shouted.

"Nicole it's Chris"

I lowered my weapon and unlatched the door.

"Hey" I said.

Chris embraced me and gave me a hug.

"I will be your knight in shining armor he joked".

"Thanks" I said laughing.



Mr. Green gripped his weapon securely while stalking behind the blonde. The woods were quiet no one was around to witness what he was about to do. he glared with vengeance ready to strike. "Excuse me miss" he said bumping her with his hand.

"Owe! what you do pinch me" she squeaked.

He bounded off not caring when the hott blonde would die.



When I got the call I sprinted out of the apartment and raced to my unmarked car.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2014 ⏰

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