Botched Mornings !!!

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"FAAAWWWNNNA WAKE UP! If you don't leave now your gonna be late and you know the dean said if your late anymore this year they were gonna kick you off this campus and you won't be able to come back this time. FAWNA......... FAWNA! " Karrie keeps screaming at me while I'm trying to get some sleep I finally give in and sit up "okay...okay ... I'm up ...I'm up. What time is it? " I ask as I walked to the bathroom for a quick shower. " 7:30 " she yells from the hall. {Well, that gives me 20 minutes to shower get ready and head downstairs across the campus and in the classroom at exactly 8 o'clock }. I shower for at least 10 to 15 minutes well that's what I thought and right as I'm getting out I get a text from my best friend Domani  " gurl where the hell are u?" Do you know what time it is ? " seeing that I grab my phone and realized that it was 7:50 .{ Damn  I'm not gonna make it } rushing out the bathroom at full speed. I had no time to be picky about my outfit so I throw on some grey sweat pants with my white I Love Lucy t-shirt and black and white converses then I run out the door without even telling Karrie goodbye.


When I finally got to the J building it was already 7:57 and my class was on the third floor. There's is no way in hell Ima gonna make it up there in time. Instead, I  text Domani ." (sorry gurl I'm not gone make it and this is my last straw  )......." before I could finish my wolf started weeping and screaming " MATE...MATE...mate  " it felt like she was clawing at my insides trying so hard to take over and go find and claim what was hers. I tried to ignore it and continue to text Domani " (before they kick me off-campus for good no second chances this time...... look we will talk more after your 12:30 class.....see you soon  " . As I got ready to press send I got ran into by Liam the soon to be alpha of the lead pack here in Crestview just like any other jerk he's not paying attention .... I stopped and looked back to tell him he needed to watch where the hell he was going, but got lost in his big... dreamy.... eyes ...... " well hey there sexy " he says with this slick smirk on his face." H...HI "I shout out.  realizing what I did I begin to feel sheepish and guarded ....."My name's Liam what's yours ?" he says while reaching his hand out for a handshake. "Fa-Fa Fawna ..... " I say but as soon as I reached out my hand he pulled me closer and whispered in my ear " you... belong...... me " with a gasp I look up only to see that his eyes were darkened with lust. There I was the big bad Fawna paralyzed and overcome with lust I can no longer hold my wolf back as she been clawing her way out to be with her mate and finally, there we are face to face his lips just inches from mines. Just when he leans in for a kiss I pull away. {even though I really wanted to kiss him I mean .. I wanted him to take me to make me his right there in the hall} as I find myself lost in thought he steps back and looks at me with so much pain in his eyes as if I stuck my hand through his chest and ripped his heart out. he grabs me with a concerned look on his face and asks " what's wrong I know you feel what I feel I didn't mean to hurt you or come on too strong ...I stop him.  " you did nothing wrong i just don't really think its good for you to be seen with the town rouge ... so just leave me alone ok I don't want to be your mate or your friend  ". I turned and walked off and I can just feel the heartbreak and disappointment getting stronger and stronger as I get further away..... {What was I thinking I found my mate and I just turned him down I don't know what I was feeling.. but now  I feel like I'm missing something... I can feel my wolf weeping for her mate wanting to be next to him again wanting to be closer than we were before but I've screwed that up now and there's probably a chance he already moved on. He doesn't care for me,  well why should he .. I'm just a rouge anyway} ......SO SHE THOUGHT!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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