Chapter 5

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Haneul's P.O.V


It's cousin's wedding day, Siho. And imo called me to come early. She have her own dresses and tuxedos that she got for all her nephews and nieces. I don't like to dress up. But if i say no, she'll force me to come back home, and live with her. I press the door bell.

The door opens and it was imo. "Oh you're here. And late. Come in quick." - she said.

"Late? Imo, I'm early." - i said while walking in her house.

"Well your other cousins are here already. You're the last one to arrive so." - she said.

"That doesn't make sense imo." - i said.

"Whatever it is, here. These are your cousins. I know you've not meet any of them, except for Siho but try to get to know them." - she reminded.

"Will not try if I can't." - i said and walk away. I sit at the corner, alone. And my cousins are having fun talking to each other. I only know Siho is my cousin because i live with imo and she was like my little sister. So we're a little close. Siho is imo's only daughter and child so yeah.

"Haneul unnie!" - i heard someone called me. I look up and smiled.

"Oh hey Siho." - i said, smiling and stand up. She walk to me with a huge smile and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Oh seeing you here makes it better." - she said as she broke the hug. I laughed.

"So, have you met our other cousins?" - she whispered.

"Nah." - i said. She giggled.

"Same old 'arrogant' Haneul that i know." - she joked.

"You bet." - i said. Making us laugh.

"Are you serious unnie?" - Siho asked suddenly with a little frown.

"What?" - i asked.

"Slippers? You're using slippers?" - she asked with the same small frown, looking down to my slippers.

"What? They're comfortable and easy." - i said.

"Unnie! Oh god can you use something else next time instead?" - she asked.

"No promises." - i said.

"Okay whatever. Come, follow me." - she said. She lead the way as i followed from behind. She bring me to her room. She brought a light pink dress, that has laces all over it, with small pink roses.

"Your dress, unnie." - she said, handing it to me.

"Urgh must i use this? I hate dresses." - i whined.

"Please unnieeee! It's just for today." - she begged with aegyo.

"You know aegyos don't work on me." - i said.

"I know but pleeeaaaseeeeee unnieeeee!!!" - she begged again with aegyo.

"Urghhhhhh! Fine. Just for today and no more. Arraseo. Next time if someone's getting married, I'm using jeans, tshirt and slippers." - i said.

"At least sneakers unnie. No slippers please." - she said. I rolled my eyes and she laughed. I got up and went in her bathroom to change. I take off my own clothing and put on the dress. This is so uncomfortable.

I walk out of her bathroom with my clothing. I fold my clothing and put them in my bag. "Unnie take off those slippers." - Siho reminded. I did what she told me. I grab the slippers and find some random plastic, putting it in. And keeping it in my bag.

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