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Human Cuphead X reader
Y/n ran through the streets and alleys of cartoonville. Running scared for her life. Two people had arrived in the village and killing everyone in sight. You slowed your running to a jog and stopped at the end of the alleyway as a body flew past. You noticed it was Nurse dovil. You looked back and saw the two men, the taller one pointing his laser finger at you. You dashed around the corner and turned down another alley and stopped realizing it was a dead end. Turning around you saw the taller man in the entrance. You felt pain appear everywhere and started to cry knowing this was the end. You started coughing up ink. You knew you had the ink illness and had it bad. The man put his finger down and stared at you. "Y/n...." He said slowly, "you can't keep running y/n.....we will always find you." He walked toward you as you moved backwards bumping against the wall. "P-please... Don't hurt me." You whispered. "Your ink illness could kill a city. Just stay still" the man said. You started to cough again and the man took a few steps backward. You fell to the ground and curled up in a corner passing out soon after.
Time skip brought to you by SCHOOL DOESNT ALLOW WATTPAD
You woke up sometime later and groaned. You were still in pain but you were being supported by something soft, canceling out some pain. You looked around and figured you were in someone's bedroom. It slowly dawned on you that you might be in that mans room. You heard a door open and saw someone peeking in at you. They slowly came in and you saw it was the taller man. He said something to someone next to him then came in the room. You were scared but tried not to show it. The tall man looked at you then looked at a picture next to you. You also looked at the picture. It was you... And the man... But you were kids. You looked at the man who was starting to take his shirt off. "Cup..head?" You said looking at him. "That's me," he said and gave you a wink. You blushed seeing he had his shirt off. You covered your face with your hands but they were pulled away by something else. "Don't cover your eyes I want to see them. They are beautiful." Cuphead whispered in your ear.  You felt your shirt being pulled off and you instantly brought the covers to your chest to cover yourself. You blush. You had always wanted this since you were in high school with him. You push him down and sat on top of him. "So you discovered I have the ink illness. Then why are you doing this? If we have kids then they will get it too or even worse you might get it." You said. "you're cured. While you were asleep bendy came over with the cure." Cuphead said smiling up at you. You stared at him not knowing what to say. You blushed when he pushed you down and got on top of you. He took your bra off revealing your medium, sized breasts. He sucked on your left one and played with the right. "C-cuphead please be g-gentle...mhn~" you were cut off as he kissed you deeply, his tongue playing with yours. Cold air brushed against your left bud sending shivers up your spine. He smiled and wiggled your skirt off you rubbing your womanhood through your panties. You blushed and moaned into the kiss. His lips trailed down your body and stopped at your womanhood where he licked you through your panties. You blushed and tried to hold back moans. Cuphead pouted and took your panties off and positioned himself at your entrance. You were wet enough for him to insert himself but it still caused minor pain. He let you adjust and then started to move. His rhythmic moving sent pleasure throughout your body. He gripped your ass and rubbed. All the while licking and biting your neck making love marks. He soon hit a spot that sent you into ecstasy. "Ah~ there~ cuphead~" you moaned, wrapping your arms around his neck. He thrust one more time and released his seed inside you as you released in him. He laid next to you and wrapped his arms around you. You both fell asleep smiling and blushing red like a tomato.

Hey, readers thanks for reading my very first one shot. Let me know what you thought of it in the comments and tell me what one shot I should do next. Thanks for reading. Byeeee

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