how too love

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A/N: I am using the what a soul mate dialog in this story as it fits what I am trying to write. That does not belong to me but nor the members but the rest does. Hope you enjoy reading.

3rd person's P.O.V:

Fall is the season of love. To some it is heartbreak, getting back up, moving on, and learning to love again.

We all have our own situations and issues that we have zero time for other things. We become numb to the events happening around us.

"Dad who is this?" a little girl no older than six, walks into her fathers study. She has a picture in her hand, a look of puzzlement displayed on her face and Seungwoo motions for her to come further.

"Where did you find that?" he pulled the tiny girl on his lap and looks at the picture that spoke a thousand emotions, that could cripple his heart.

"It was in a book

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"It was in a book. That I found last night." she giggled. "Who is the boy with brow hair. Appa" she admired the beautiful photo that held so much love and memories for Seungwoo. His heart shattered all over again.

"He is my soulmate" he said lovingly at the thought of Seungsik. "What's a soulmate?" the little girl looking up at her father.

"It's uhhh..." how could he explain this to her. He muled over the thought, trying to find the right words as perfect as his Seungsik was.

"Well, it's like a best friend, but more." he could not hide the affection in his eyes.

"It's the one person in the world who knows you better, than anyone else." he moved his brown locks out of his face.

"It's someone who makes you a better person." He retracted his sentence.

"Actually, they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself." He held his daughter closer.

"Because they inspire you." Seungsik was the best thing that happened to Seungwoo. He always knew what was on his mind and always stayed humble. He was a really nice guy and made Seungwoo want to strive for a better future.

"A soulmate is someone you carry with you forever." He knew in his own heart, he may love his wife but Seungsik will forever be his first and forever love.

"It's the one person who... Who knew you and accepted you and... Believed in you before anyone else did." Seungsik was always his number one person to go too. He knew just the right words to say to Seungwoo, he knew how to calm him down.

"Or when anyone else would. Seungsik always believed and followed Seungwoo. Never questioned him and always trusted him.

"And no matter what happens, you will always love them." still til this day Seungsik held his heart and soul. Hopefully Seungsik felt the same to this day.

"Nothing could ever change that." still nothing detoured the special place he has in his heart for the other male.

His daughter looked up at her father and saw tears falling down his tired face. Her face softened and she wiped away his tears.

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