Chapter 22: The Departed

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Chapter 22: The Departed

Samathea laid peacefully in her bed, as the sun was shining in her room, then her alarm goes off and playing her favorite song, Stronger by Kelly Clark. Samathea opens her eyes and started to smirk she then turns the volume up, then jumps out of bed and walks in front of her mirror and lip-sing to the lyrics then brained her hair, making it sit on her shoulder, then winks at herself in the mirror and started to get dress.

Samathea wore her casual clothing as she walks into the kitchen, but then snuck up behind Elena and covers her eyes, "Guess who?" she asks her, Jenna rolls her eyes at the two. Elena laughs a little "Nice try, Sammy." Elena tells her, Samathea giggles and wraps her arms around Elena's waist, "Morning." she tells her, "Morning to you as well." Elena said and Samathea kisses her cheek then lets her go and steps over to the side. "So, did Jeremy lock himself in the bathroom again?" Samathea asks them as she grabs an apple, Jenna chuckles. "It's not like we don't know what he's doing in there," Elena tells her. "He's fourteen, they don't think." Jenna reminds them, Samathea giggles and took a bite out of her apple as Elena went to pour some coffee.

But Jenna playfully smacks her hand, "Hey, you'll get me in trouble." Jenna whispers to her, "Good morning." another voice calls out and they look over at Miranda Gilbert. Samathea swallows her bite, "Morning mom." Elena tells her, Miranda smiles at her and kisses Elena's cheek, then looks over at Samathea, "Morning mummy." Samathea teases her. Miranda giggles at her then kiss her cheek and hug her, Samathea smiles happily and leans against her and closes her eyes.


Samathea then opens them, finding that it was just a dream she made for herself and that she was in the hospital, a monitor hooked up to her, checking her blood pressure and heartbeat, then her mind resisters as to what happened and she sighs and closes her eyes, giving herself more rest.

Elena watches Samathea outside from the room as Meredith was in front of her and Jeremy. "She's going to be fine," Meredith informs them and Elena looks back at her. "She was a little bang up today, she hit her head, but it was just a slight concussion, nothing to worry about." Meredith tells them, "But she collapsed and there was blood coming out of her nose." Jeremy reminds her, "Honestly Jeremy. She's fine, she's just... she's been through a lot." Meredith tells her, "How long must Sammy stay here?" Elena asks her, then Meredith looks at her, "I don't want her where she's valuable." she states and Jeremy grips her hand, comforting her. "I want to keep her for further examination," Meredith informs her, Elena nods then both her and Jeremy look back at the room where Samathea was asleep.

"Is there anyone you want to call?" Meredith asks him, they look back at her then exchange looks with each other and sighs as they look back at her.


Damon and Stefan drove down the road, "You did what?" Damon questions them, "We took her to the hospital." Jeremy answers him, "When you find your sister unconscious and blood dripping out of her nose, you call 911." Elena informs him. "Not when you have a parade of vampires at your disposal." Damon reminds them, "Every Original wants her dead to stop Alaric, she's a sitting duck in there." Stefan informs him.

"I know, that's why I want her back home where it's safe, so we can keep her safe." Elena agrees with them, "But Meredith wants to keep her here for observation." Jeremy adds in. "Jeremy. You and Elena get Sam home. We're on our way." Damon tells him and Jeremy hung up. Then Damon looks at Stefan, "Have I told you lately how I apprentice you not being the dumbest sibling on Earth?" Damon asks as he phones the others. "You know one of us needs to keep moving right?" Stefan asks him, Damon looks at him, "If Klaus really is the sire of our bloodline, we'll need to keep his body hidden before Alaric finds him, then kills him and we all end up dead." Stefan states and looks at him, "Out life is one big pluvial coin toss." Damon tells him and Stefan nods in agreement.

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