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Caroline and Cave sat beside each other, with Caroline staring in shock at the floor.

"Mr. Johnson... I... I can't do this." She looked over at Cave.

"Yes you can, Caroline. It's too late for me, only you can do this." He replied, trying to reach over to her. Caroline slapped his hand away.

"You have NO IDEA what it's like to be told you'll be forced to be inside a goddamn robot for eternity, Cave!" She shouted. She glared at him and turned, running into the facility once more. Cave got up.

"Caroline, wait!" He shouted, and then began coughing up blood.

Caroline ran to a large window, pushing away the other scientists. She gasped and covered her mouth with a hand upon seeing GLaDOS. She felt tears in her eyes as Cave went up to her and gently touched her shoulder with his hand. Caroline held her head in her hands and cried.

"Leave me alone!" She glared at Cave again while she sobbed. She walked away from him while the others stared in shock. Caroline went to her own, secluded spot away from the others and held her knees, sobbing quietly to herself.

After a few hours of being slumped on the ground, Caroline felt a piercing pain. Holding in her shout of fear and pain, she looked down to see a huge blood spot staining her dress. She got up, stumbling out of her spot and looking for assistance. She knew nobody was nearby, though. Opening the door to the facility exit, she found herself in a blizzard. Crying out in pain, she collapsed, bleeding out onto the snow and shivering. She cried again, curling up. She didn't know what happened when she awoke, but she could see she was in a hospital. Drowsy, she lifted her head and looked around. There was still blood all over her, and on the bed. She heard a baby crying somewhere else nearby. Why was nobody in the room with her...?

Looking over, she could see lots of people rushing around. She dragged herself up, ripping out some things she had in her arms. Looking out the window, she could see Cave... coughing up unholy amounts of blood. She looked over, seeing the baby. She sighed deeply and picked it up gently. She opened the door slowly and went over to Cave, tears in her eyes. "Cave..." She sobbed. He looked at her.

"Caroline..." He sighed. "They told me what happened..." He reached up and she held his hand. "Let me see her." Caroline hesitated and then let him hold the small form. She quickly and gently took her back as the doctors rushed into the room. She hid and watched Cave look at her as he died. She held in her cries of sorrow as she got up and quickly ran out of the hospital into the blizzard. She put her scarf over the lower half of her head to keep her ears warm. She looked around and then down at her own child.

"I'm sorry, Cave..." She whispered. She moved forward and set the baby down on a doorstep. She quickly kissed the baby on the forehead and knocked before trudging off. 

Upon entering the facility, guards grabbed her arms forcefully and dragged her off. Caroline screamed as they filled up a syringe and hooked her up to a huge machine. She thrashed around, screaming and crying. "NO!" She wailed. They grabbed her arm and injected her with the strange liquid. She screamed as her vision faded.

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