Party Part 5 Final

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Sara found Viktor trying to get him to cooperate but Viktor was gay and would only listen to men. So Sara went to find JJ passing Yurio and Otabek having sex. "JJ I found the cure!!!" "You have to fuck that rock again!!!" "But my penis is sore from fucking my strong buff wife " whined JJ. Sara gave him pills from when she and Seung wanted to have sex but he was too lazy. "Ok" he took the pills then his dick went big And then he went to go find the rock but couldn't find it "Now what can I fuck?" He looked at Sara "No I am in a committed relationship with my bird bitch but you can go fuck this book" JJ fucked all books then looked for the rock which Yurio had. Viktor and Yuuri were having sex in the closet while Yurio held up the rock. "I volunteer as tribute to fuck this stupid rock" he said Otabek gasped "how dare you!!! You must love the rock to break the spell" said Otabek who was really JJ. Mila was there fucking Otabek in the bathroom. "Let me do it!!!" JJ selfishly grabbed he rock and started fucking it. Everyone turned back but for his selfishness the rock turned everyone pregnant. Except Seung because he liked bird but he was turned back human.  Wendy from fairy tail and Yurio had sex because Yurio was straight and it was hot and I ship it. and Sara and Seung started having oral sex in the bathroom then the sun rose and everyone waspregnant and lived happily shitty after

     THE END

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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