
86 14 21

October 24th

I walked into the cafe that was two blocks from my apartment and ordered my usual, a large caramel frappuccino with extra whipped cream. "What's your name?" The blue eyed barista asked me. I hollered over the loud coffee shop banter, "Blaire." He wrote it on the cup, smiled, and told me it would be ready in a minute. I smiled and nodded him my thanks. I found a corner table a few steps away from the pickup counter. I placed my laptop and Coach bag onto the table and sat down. I opened my computer to a black screen and looked at the reflection staring back at me. I have long blonde hair that flows all the way down my back, I'm ready for a change, but I still don't know about cutting it. I don't know how short hair would look with my round face. I overthink, anyways, I tap the mousepad and my screen lights up. I need to check my email, I know my mom would want me to tell her about my day.

I moved to London with my best friend Natalie, back in the beginning of June, after school got out. We are both in our senior year of college and decided to take a trip this summer to England before our last year began. Our summer trip ended up turning into a fall trip, and coming close to a winter trip. Who knows when we will return to the states. Ever since we were little, we've always dreamed of living in England. We used to picture ourselves going to college somewhere in England. Now our dream is a reality and we are loving it. Mom, on the other hand, would love for me to be ready to move back home, but I'm going to visit for a week in December for Christmas. She's happy as long as I'm happy, but I really do miss home.

I've known Natalie since I was eight years old and we have been inseperable since that first day when we met. Even when she moved away from me four years later we stayed close. She is a blued eyed girl with natural big blonde curls in her hair. She is the funniest person that I know and loves to pull pranks on her family. She grew up in a big family whereas I grew up with a small, close family unit. She loves all animals and could probably stay in her room and watch Netflix for weeks on end. She is my best friend and I'm so glad we got this opportunity to move to England together.

I saw a body approach my table and looked up to a handsome face in front of me. He held out a drink, and with an accent asked, "Large caramel frappuccino with whipped cream?"

I smiled and tried not to blush, "Yes, How'd you know?"

He looked at the side of the cup, and then handed it to me, "I ordered the same thing. I also knew it wasn't mine because I don't think Dave wanted me to have his number."

I laughed at his joke and looked back over the counter. Dave, the barista, grinned big and gave me the head nod because his hands were a little full. I lifted my cup up to him as a thanks and politely smiled.

The cute stranger in front of me spoke up again, "What a hunk."

I laughed and retaliated, "Do you want his number then? I don't think I'll be calling him anytime soon."

"Aw why not? Will your boyfriend be jealous?"

I stammered for a moment, "I don't have a boyfriend."

" Then you should give Dave a chance," he winked.

"Getting strange numbers off of coffee cups aren't really my thing."

He laughed a little, and paused smiling at me. He stuck out his hand, "I'm Nathan by the way."

I shook his hand, "Blaire."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Blaire."

I smiled, "You too." I glanced down for a second because I couldn't hold the intensity of looking into his blue eyes. Plus I thought that would be the end of my little exchange with a cute stranger; however, when I looked back up he hadn't lost his confidence for one second as he kept smiling at me. I finally decided gather the courage to ask him, "Would you like to join me?" I started moving my bag to the side of the cold metal chair.

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