chapter 14❤

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I caged her to my office wall as I held her both hands above her head she looked at me with wide eyes the anger in my eyes was surly visible.

"L-let g-go of m-me" she struggled.

"Not untill you stop acting like a kid and work for me" i said sternly.

"I won't work for you ....never " she shouted , she's being stubborn , but i can very well handle her

I smirked at her .

" know I can destroy you with just a snap of my finger ...if you refuse to work for me...I will make sure you never get employ in any other company you go... remember i'm very powerful and I could turn you to are you still gonna argue with me ?"I asked

Moving my face very closer to her , damn I feel like kissing those sexy lips of hers ,our nose almost touching.

"I hate you Jason....I hate you " she struggled but I didn't let go of her .

"No you don't can never hate me even if you try." I say darkening  .

And with that i smashed my lips with hers tasting her for all the long lost years we never saw each other,for all the years she ran away from me .she broke my heart, she refused to open up for me so I pressed into her more making her gasp and I kiss her possessively, my desires for her was just too strong,i kissed her harder than i kissed her in my bedroom this morning , i molded her body into mine , I've missed her and this pains me .

But how can I still love her, seeing her again made me realize i really deeply still  love her so very much .
And I've not stopped loving her.

She refused to respond so I squeezed her waist and she gasped and I had access to thrust my tongue into her mouth but she closed up again , she's being too stubborn now , not opening up to me but i bit down on her lower lip and she yelped granting me access ,I kissed her like my life depended on it and sonner she gave in kissing me passionately just the way I want it.

Only if she knew how I almost died cause she left me heartbroken.

I pulled away from her and let go off her .

She looks like she was going to cry anytime soon, her lips swollen  from my rough kisses , I caressed  her hair gently and she looked away from me , I sighed and move back.

"Vanessa ...just do what i ask you to do ....and besides I know you really need a job ...forget I was your ex ...and work for me " I said trying to calm the high pitch of my voice , she looked up at me .

"Why do you choose me you could always get anyone you want to work for you ...your acting like you own me" she yelled .

"If that's what you call it....then yes " I said and picked up the file from my desk .

"Take this and sign it " I ordered she looked at me and to the file and back to me again .

"What's this and why should I sign it" she asked .

"Your agreement that you will become my O.P.A" I said and she refused to collect it .

"I won't sign anything" she says looking away .

"Vanessa seems your forgotten I could ruin your entire life with just a snap of my finger what I ask you to do ....if you work for me for a week and you don't like the job then your free to go, and i don't stop you  " I said .

I was lying,i just want her to sign the paper .


"If you work for me for a week and you don't like the job then your free to go,i wont stop you" he said .

I looked at him... should I accept this offer at least once the week is over I will run away for good right ?.

Urh....what if he's lying?

What if he's not?

That i can't tell .

But why me ,he could find someone else right ?

"But why me .... couldn't you find someone else?" I asked .

"I could...but I know you will be good for this job....have you forgotten we attended the same highschool...I know you too well Vanessa" he says.

I looked at him angrily,he's reminding me of my past how dare him ...I so want to confront him for having a bet with his friends on me ....but I won't .... besides he doesn't even care I left ... because he would had ask me why I left right ? I'm sure he even knew why I left .....

But after a week , i can still walk away and be free.

"Okay " I said and he smiled .

"But I won't sign the file " i said and his smile varnished.

"Why? have to will show to me that you won't run away before a week " he said.

"I won't run to anywhere....I never ran away. ..but I won't sign it " I said.

"All my employees sign before they work for me you have no choice but too" he said sternly.

I rolled my eyes and grab the file from him and I opened to read it ,just a week and I will get away from this asshole.

"Why are you reading it?" He asked .

I looked at him confused.

"i'm supposed to read it " I said..."I need to read what i'm signing" I added .

"There's no need to read it Vanessa ...just sign on it ..,or are you scared? 'He asked .

I gave him a very hard annoying look he was smirking.

"Why would I be scared?"I asked him .

"I don't shows me your scared " he replied.

I'm not scared of him ...or am I maybe because he threatened me if I don't work for him he won't let me have a job in other places and he's so powerful he could do it

"i'm not scared of you" I lied .

"If your not scared then prove it ....sign the file " he said.

I looked at him angrily and walked to his desk snatch a pen and quickly signed on it .

I faced him and threw the file on him but he caught it .

"Happy now ? I yelled .

He smirked.
He looked into the file and his smile widened.

"Very happy Vanessa.... welcome to 1year  contract working for me " he said evilly.

And my eyes widen, my mouth hanged open and my breathing stopped.

Jason had tricked me.

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