chapter 18❤

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It was already afternoon and Jason isn't even back yet ,I wonder where he is , and I won't call him, where he goes is non_of my business.

I think you're missing him .

Where did you come from?

Your mind durr.

Hey stop communicating with me, i'm beginning to sound mad.

You know i'm your mind , i'm just your thought and you cant get rid of me.

Okay fine, i wont think again .

Oh trust me you will .

I went into the kitchen to at least make lunch ,well even if i'm angry at him i'm staying in his house so at least i'm supposed to make something right?

Mom Julia isn't here ,I met her the first day when Jason brought me home she's really a nice woman ,she actually showed me around the house and one thing you should know is Jason's house is one in a million .

I don't even know when I will be ever rich to build such a house, I just laughed at my thought,just then a knock came on the door .

I wonder who it is this afternoon, I gently got up and opened the door only to come face to face with a lady .

Who is she and what does she want?

"who are you?" she suddenly asked .

The last time i checked i'm supposed to be asking not her .

" who are you are? "I asked back .

She gave me an angrily look and just walked pass me inside, what the hell was that and who is she to walk in like that .

"where is  Jason "she asked.

She's here to see Jason?

"i'm sorry but his not home could leave a message" I said .

I really want her out of here .

"And who are you ,? A maid? "She glared at me.

Is she trying to insult me who the hell is this lady by the way .

Bitch slap her .

"i'm not his maid " I say seriously

"Oh! Then you must actually be one of his flings am I right ? "She asked .

What the hell, is she trying to insult and call me names who the fuck is this lady .

Bitch slap her already !

"Excuse me ,who the hell do you think you are .?" I questioned matching her hard stares .

"Jason's girlfriend....and you ?"She asked .

My breath stopped ..she's Jason's girlfriend, oh my god! Jason has a girlfriend....then why am I here ?what's his reason for holding me here for a year if he has a girlfriend I feel my heart is about to job out of my chest ....she's Jason girlfriend.


"I asked a question....who the fuck are you to him ...?" She asked .

"i'm his P.A " I answered almost too calmly .

"i'm sure your not just an ordinary P.A i'm sure something else is connected am I right ?" She asked eyeing me from head to toe and I looked at her angrily .

"I do not understand you ms ..,but I think it's time for you to leave don't you think?" I was already losing my patience with her .

She gave me a short laugh .

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