[1] Not Cool Enough

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Rosé was a little bit nervous, psssht. That girl literally felt tiny monsters eating her from inside. She could barely feel her heart in her chest.

"You got this chae, you're gonna show them you're cool!" She whispered and knocked on the door, the door which leads to her dreams.

Her long time crush, Jisoo.

The door creaked open, revealing a purple head beauty. She was in a sports bra and sweatpants. Sweat rolling down her forehead and stomach. Rosé couldn't help but stare.

Her gaze met two fingers clicking against each other,

"My face is up here kiddo"


She heard a soft laughter, she could feel butterflies tingling in her stomach.

"Rosé right? You need something?" Jisoo asked, leaning against the door and taking a sip out of her water bottle.

"Oh um.... I ....uh"

Wtf mouth do your job. She thought.

That girl couldn't find the exact words, like she was playing tongue twister. She spent an hour memorizing the words but the outcome wasn't so much like she expected.

Finally, she gathered the courage and cleared her throat.

Jisoo had her gaze upon rosé, which made the girl more anxious.

"Kim Jisoo, Please be my friend!" She bowed, her hands stretching out to hold Jisoo's.

After a few seconds, a hand slapped away Rosé's hand.

She blinked a few times before trying to scan what Happened.

"Sorry rosé, you're not cool enough"

With that, Jisoo slammed her door, leaving Rosé shattered.

"I swear I'm cool!"

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