Sophie and the Witch

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Once upon a time there was a little bunny named Sophie. Sophie was a curious little bunny.
She loved to explore and go on all sorts of treasure hunts alone, with her friends, and sometimes with her family.
           One day while Sophie was out exploring one of the garden patches that her mother grew, she noticed something shiny in the dirt.
As she looked a little closer, she saw that it was a button! A pure gold button!
She looked around to see if there was anyone who could have possibly dropped this button, but she saw nobody.
Since Sophie was so kind, she picked up the button and put it in her adventure bag, where she put all of her treasures.
           Sophie started going all around the bunny village in which she lived, to see if there was anyone who might own the button or who might know someone who knows the bunny that owns the button.
As the day went on, nobody she knew had any idea where the button came from.
Finally, as Sophie was starting to give up on her search, she spotted a shop at the corner of the street that she was on that said 'BUTTONS'.
Sophie, her ears perking up, hopped into the shop and ringed the bell at the front desk.
An old, brown bunny hopped to the desk and said, "What can I do you for?"
Sophie asked the old bunny if he had sold a gold button to any costumers that day, but the old bunny shook his head.
Defeated and tired, Sophie started to hop towards the door when suddenly, the old bunny said, "Actually, there was!"
Sophie stopped and turned around asking who it was.
The old bunny explained it was an old witch that lived up on the hill just outside of Bunny Village.
Sophie thanked the old bunny and hopped back home.
        That night, Sophie made a plan to go up to the witches house and give her button back.
The day before, the old bunny had warned her to stay away from the witch, but Sophie knew that it would be wrong to not return the button to her since it was hers.
So, early in the morning Sophie said goodbye to her mother, not telling her where she was going knowing if she knew, she wouldn't let Sophie go, and set out toward the hill.
       On her way she met a nice baker who gave her some bread and milk.
She explained to the baker where she was heading off to and the baker shook her head and said, "No, no. You can't go there! The witch will gobble you up!"
Sophie ignored the comment and thanked the baker for her concern and the breakfast, and headed on her way.
      As she got closer to the hill, she met a little bunny that gave her a cookie.
She told the little bunny where she was going and the little bunny said, "No, no. You can't go there! The witch will take all of your toys and then bake you up for lunch!"
Sophie ignored this comment as well, and thanked the little bunny for his concern and the cookie.
      As she was the closest to the hill, she met a nice crow that gave her some crumbs.
Sophie explained where she was going and the nice crow said, "No, no. You cant go there! The witch will take all of your food and keep you a prisoner until you are too frail and weak to escape!"
      Sophie, hearing the horrible things about what the witch did for the third time now, was starting to get worried.
She thanked the crow for the crumbs and kept on going until she was standing in front of the witches house.
Sophie started to get scared as she opened the front gate and walked up to the witches front door.
She started to question if any of the horrible things her friends had said would happen to her.
Sophie sucked in her breath and knocked on the witches door.
    Sophie could hear footsteps coming from inside the house and they were getting closer, and closer, and closer. And Sophie's heart started to beat faster, and faster, and faster.
Finally, the door started to creak open.
Sophie stood there, expecting the worst, but, as the the door opened all the way, it revealed a old looking bunny, with grey fur and foggy eyes.
        She was wearing a pink, floral apron and pink, fluffy slippers.
Sophie looked at the witches face and saw that she was wearing a kind, old smile.
Sophie looked up towards the top of her head and saw a pointy hat that looked like a witches hat, but more like a gardeners hat.
It was green and floppy and had pieces of grass and dirt stuck in the several holes in the hat.
        Sophie smiled at the witch and said, "Hello, my name is Sophie and I think I have something that belongs to you."
The witch looked at Sophie a bit confused, "I'm not sure what you would have that would be mine."
Sophie then took out the golden button from her bag and held it out to the witch.
The witch smiled and said gratefully, "Oh! Thank you so much, dear! I've been looking all over for that darn thing."
She took the button and hugged Sophie tenderly.
Sophie started to realize that she had nothing to be afraid of. This bunny wasn't a witch at all! She was just a lonely old bunny.
The witch said, "My name is Ms. Burrow, would you like to come inside for some carrot tea?"
       Sophie accepted the offer and together, Ms. Burrow and Sophie had the best time ever.
Sophie and Ms. Burrow started to become the best of friends and, after a while Sophie introduced her to the rest of the village.
Ms. Burrow wasn't known as the witch any longer, instead she was known as Ms. Burrow, the kindest bunny that lived in Bunny Village.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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