S1E1 Sister alive?

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------------------------------------ *Note: I'm new to this , yet i hope you enjoy.---------------------------------

Season 1 episode 1  *Sister alive?*

2010- Summer holidays have just ended, We see our protagonist speaking with her mother.

Jessica lives with her mother Natalie Ark. They used to have a strong relationship before her sister went missing, Jessica and her younger sister Charlotte had a great relationship as well.

Charlotte went missing five years ago (2005) Jessica is now seventeen , Charlotte was 10 at the time.

Natalie still cant live with the truth of her being dead.

The body hasn't even been found yet and it has been five years.

FLASHBACK (2005 Christmas)

Jessica can remember saving money to purchase her sister a Christmas gift, Charlotte was really interested in music especially old tunes such as 'Secret' (by the pierces)

Jessica decided to buy her an mp3 which would satisfy her younger sister.

Charlotte was full of joy so was her mother seeing her children bonding.


Here we are now , her mother screaming at Jessica to hurry up and get to school before she's late.

Jessica goes to school as normal were she meets her best friend Jason Rez.

She only met Jason this year since he just moved school.

Jason is a tallish fella with a sense of humor, same as Jessica used to be.

Jessica sees a poster of Charlotte with a caption 'Would now be 15'

We can notice Jessica  getting emotional but is stronger and deals with the death of her younger sister.

End of school

Jessica says goodbye to Jason,

while she is  leaving she feels followed as she takes a short cut through the woods.

But expects nothing 

Jessica : Must be the wind.

What she finds next is what makes her believe she is close to were Charlotte is.

She finds Charlotte mp3 player dug into the dirt.



While she falls into tears,

she hears a twig snap.

Jessica grabs a nearby stick in case of protection.

Jessica : Hello is somebody here?

Jessica gets no answer, she grabs the mp3 and begins to speed walk threw the woods.

She hears someone  behind her she runs as fast as she can. She can  see the end of the woods in front of her.

Jessica can hear a voice 

Charlotte : Help me sister, please

Jessica turns around and walks deeper into the woods.

Jessica : CHARLOTTE where are you?

Jessica receives no answer and fades away..


Am i alive? what has happen to me . I  feel weaker I feel alone I miss you Charlotte.

Charlotte: miss you too sister

Jessica : what happen to you?

Charlotte : mistake , i saved you .

Jessica: This is a dream , saved me from what?

Charlotte : Him

Jessica : him who is he ? Hello/.?


Jessica wakes in her bed it's midnight . Jessica can see the woods slightly from her window , and has established Charlotte is there in them woods hiding and she must find out what happened to her.

Jessica knows not to tell anyone about this.

Before she falls back asleep her phone gets a message .

*Beep* *Beep*

Message: I'm coming for you.


Hope you guys enjoyed the beginning.

Posting episode 2 if this story goes well .


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