<|nothing will go your way unless you make it|>
I see kids exchanging notes , some laughing , some sneaking snacks while the teacher is solving a couple of maths problems . I try to focus but all that's in my mind now is why is there a thick rope hanging from the window .. did someone hate maths that much so they decided to get out ? or thought the only place to escape life is the school's old building ? although I've always been what you call a good kid , except that I am rebellious in my appearance. but I wondered if I'll ever beat the war inside me , get over the hard time I have in school , or will I hang on that rope like whoever did this before ?
" Harley! why don't you ever concentrate ? you're in class girl focus ! don't get too lost in yourself no more please !" said the teacher . then I hear some boys in the back of the class saying "thinking about your next stupid move slut ?" and all of them soon were laughing . I mean I don't blame them for what they see in me , my black and purple hair , rock and roll clothes , black makeup or all the tattoos I keep getting all the time but I'm human after all ! I bet if they ever get into a situation like this , they wouldn't make it through . but I learned to get on with it , I learned to get on with bullies from every single person in this damn highschool. there's only this one couple who're my only friends in this world and they accept me like I am , they support me on my piercing choices because they know that it's my way of showing who I am.
soon the section is over , and like always I don't manage to get out of the classroom without getting hit or laughed at . I hurry to the place me and friends call our secret place and i wait for them to come . they take so long I thought they ain't coming , but when I catch their figures approching from the distance I turn away , when they arrive , I start crying . Cole comes and hugs me and says"omg what happened today ?" "what do you think has happened dumb head! bullies and bullies over and over and they never stop" I say . "if they're ever put in your place , I'm sure as hell they wouldn't take it" Jade says . "I know they won't take it ! tell me something different ! it's always the same , like the day is repeating itself everyday . you know what ? you never get bullied , the two of you ..." I say but Jade cuts me "I do get laughed at ! maybe not as much or as bad as you but I do "
"you know why? it's never been because of who you are , it's because you're my friend , they treat you like shit because they know you're close to me . I wonder why you two are still hanging around me after all these years , I mean , no one would bear to get hurt because of their best friend choices , but that's how I know you're true " I say with tears making their way down my cheeks. "we're still there because we know you for who you really are , we see something in you , we see beneath your dark appearance , we see through your good heart , we see ambition , love and kindness . we see hope. things they never see , because they're too judgmental to bother to look beneath your tattoos " Cole says .
I manage to draw a broken smile , my voice cracks but I say "and I love you for that". then I get lost in tears and I burry my head to his neck , he puts his arms around me , Jade does the same , and they hug me like it's our last time together.