Mrs. Byun I

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It's been 2 years since Suhyeon and Baekhyun got married.

It was a magical day because the man she loved what officially his.

Suhyeon's life was drastically changed after marrying Baekhyun.
She never thought people would look at her so differently.

For example, when Baekhyun would take her out to dinner, many women would come and take pictures with her or men come and kiss the back of her hand and compliment how good she looked.

Ofcourse that would make Baekhyun angry but it was worth it because once they got home , she enjoyed an awesome session of angry sex.

Nonetheless, Baekhyun was always bipolar man.
One second he would be the happiest the next he would be yelling through the phone to one of his coworkers how his sog was the cutest out of all of them.

Which was weird because I've never seen a dog around the house.

"My brother takes care of it"
He said one day when i asked him
"I see him when i go over to his house"

Kind of strange to make someone take care of your own dog.

But anyway, Baekhyun told me one day to come to his office and help him with paper work when suddenly he introduced me to an office and a gold template in the center of it.

Since when the fuck did i become co-head of his damn company!?

"I just made you co-head"
He said with a cute blink

She sighed heavily
"I never agreed to this, Baekhyun!"

"Oh well"
And he walked out

I glared at him through the glass window and looked over at the desk.

It was kind of nice.
Her chair was leather and looked really comfortable.

For the past month of being "co-head" was just a dailt routine of playing games on the computer and drinking coffee.

Baekhyun made her do nothing but to go to his office and kiss him when he felt like being loved.

Sometimes we would keep her there and ask her what she wanted to do for dinner.

But most of the time she was in her office.

Kyungsoo , one of Baekhyun's secretary came in to hand a stack of paper to her.

She looked at it then at him
"What's this?"

"Paperwork by Mr.Byun, he wants you to sign them before sending them out"
He said and patted the stack

She looked at it and it maybed seemed to be about a thousand copies

"There's too many of these"

"He wants them done by tonight"
Kyungsoo said and turned around to walk back out

Her jaw dropped

She glanced at the clock on her computer and it was 7:30

She groaned and let her head fall on the desk

"Why did i ever marry this idiot"

It was about 2 am and Suhyeon was dozing off.
He signatures started looking like a 2nd grades handwriting.

She felt her eyes to heavy again and was about to go to sleep when she heard the door open to her office.

Baekhyun was standing there , leaning against the door frame.

He asked and she nodded

"Come on let's go home"
He said and walked over to close her computer and put away the papers.

"No wait..i need to finish these"
She said

"No you don't"
He chuckled

"Wait what?"
She looked up at him in confusion
"Y-you said i needed to finish these by tonight"

"I was testing you, love"

Suhyeon started at him and her eyes widened
"You ass!"

She quickly got up and punched his arm
"You know how fucking tired i am?!"

"Yeah i can tell"
He was laughing while rubbing his arm

Suhyeon crossed her arms "i really hate you"

"Nope you really don't"
Baekhyun said and gently brought her closer to him.

"I really do"

"You think you do but you actually don't"
He said and rested his hands on her waist
"Im sorry, i just wanted to see if you were capable for co-head"

"Obviously im not"
She rolled her eyes

"To be honest with you , i just said that because i wanted to be close to you. The thought of you being home alone and doing something stupid makes me worry"
He fixes a strand of her hair and tugs it behind her ear.

"Aww Baby"
Suhyeon smiled "why didn't you tell me that you wanted to be close?"

"When do i ever tell you how i feel?"
He laughed

"Yeah you're right"
She laughed with him

"Im sorry again"

She shook her head
"It's okay"

Baekhyun smiled down at her and leaned close to her face to press a gentle kiss on her lips.

She kissed him back happily , baekhyun had made her soft by what he told her and all she wanted to do was cuddle him all night.

He pulled away and quickly kissed her forehead before taking her hand
"Let's go home"

And with thay they walked out hand in hand and with Suhyeon's head on his arm.

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